[center][h2][color=009966]Joseph 'Tank' Cooper[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] "[i]We have a triple suicide,[/i]" Greg told him, shoving the files into Tank's arms. "[color=009966]Well that's not something you hear about everyday.[/color]" Tank agreed, shifting through the papers and listening to Greg as they walked. He had a toothpick in his mouth as usual, and a very relaxed manner about him. He nodded to Cecily in greeting, his mind still half on the paper in front of his eyes and Greg's explanation. "[i]Thing is though, this just got a lot more complicated. I don't know where Marleston ties into this other than living in the same damn building you two do; which is creepy enough. You two might want to find a new place to live. What really is throwing me off is this... Miss Glencross and Miss Graves... They were sisters. Half sisters but sisters.[/i]" [color=00ccff]"I can't afford to live anywhere else with the salary you pay me,"[/color] she chuckled a bit, tucking her hair behind her ear. Tank didn't look up, but he grinned at that. "[color=009966]Doesn't bother me. Lil danger makes life worth living.[/color]" he said. Tank finally set the papers down and crossed his arms, listening to Cecily's input that she seemed to have regretted saying a moment later. He met her eyes and nodded, letting her know he wasn't going to look down on her. "[color=009966]I agree. Lyle might have been killed because he knew too much or was asking all the right questions. Buuut what questions would he be asking, and would anyone else know of them?[/color]" The detective glanced at Greg, and then back at Cecily. He decided he'd ask around later. "[i]And from what I hear you had a little bit of trouble in here earlier with a break in? Can you walk me through what happened?[/i]" Cecily nodded. [color=00ccff]"Yes, it was nearly a murder,"[/color] she joked a bit with a smile. [color=00ccff]"I came in to work this morning to upload some files for the forensic artist--Wallace never understands the need to preserve a crime scene, always goes straight into ripping it apart, the git...Anyways, I thought I heard Wallace in his office, so I popped on over, and was shot at and slammed to the ground by some blonde woman. Something was [i]definitely[/i] taken but I doubt Wallace bothered to log anything in."[/color] Tank blinked, and let out a chuckle while he tongued the butt end of his toothpick. Her matter of fact way of explaining nearly being killed was pretty entertaining. "[color=009966]Did you get any kind of good look at her face? Could you identify her if you saw her again, or were you against the ground before you knew it?[/color]" Tank felt like he was way too relaxed right now to be here. His mind was sharp, but not as crisp as it usually was.