[centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ4LjM5OGYzOC5RMmh5YVhNZ1IzSmxaVzVpWlhKbi4w/death-star.regular.png[/img][/centre] [centre][hider=Chris Greenberg] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cmouw9BVMAQYH_b.jpg[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CkYEELWXEAEgP0B.jpg[/img] [/hider][/centre] [b]Present day[/b] Chris was in a store, sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall with his left arm on his raised left knee. On his right, next to him there was his Ruger revolver and in his left hand he had his lighter, which he was playing with, opening it, staring into the fire deeply then closing it and doing the same thing all over again. He thought about everything that happened in that day and these eleven that followed. He lost everything in a flash and all of his plans went down the drain. He lost his entire crew to those monsters including his little brother, Joe, who died 5 days ago after he sacrificed himself to save Chris. Now he was alone, with nothing but his pathetic life which barely meant anything anymore. Chris put the lighter back in the pocket and grabbed his revolver sitting next to him as he opened the cylinder only to reveal an empty gun. He reached out to all his pockets and found six remaining bullets in a pocket of his leather jacket. The rest were probably in the backpack. Chris loaded all the bullets in the revolver and cocked the hammer as he pressed the end of the barrel against the right side of his head and closed his eyes, ready to end it all right there. As he was struggling to pull the trigger, tears started flowing down from his closed eyes. After sitting in this state for about 30 seconds, Chris eventually realised that his little brother's sacrifice would be in vain if he would end his life now. He eventually gave up on the idea as he slowly pulled the revolver away from his head, however as he was doing that he accidentally pulled the trigger, releasing a round which went less then half an inch away from his forehead, stopping in a wall. Shocked and breathing fast, Chris put back the revolver in it's leather holster and quickly rised up from the floor, on his feet as he started looking around for his stuff. He went to the counter and picked up his backpack from it. With the backpack in hand he went to one of the barred windows as he looked outside. There weren't many walkers outside. Chris was lucky to be in an area that wasn't heavily populated like the downtown. Besides that, the walkers weren't as fast and as deadly as they were before and they also looked more death-like which was a clear sign that as time was passing they were decaying. Chris opened the door to the store silently and opened the door to his truck which was right next to the store entrance. He threw the backpack on the passenger seat and got inside, closing the door silently. He reached out for his car keys as he pulled them out of a pocket. He grabbed the ignition key and plunged it into the respective hole but didn't start the car just yet as he took a couple of moments to think. He wanted to get out of the city badly but the streets had to be clustered with cars and with a truck like his, there were small chances of getting out of the city with the truck in one piece. He needed something smaller for that but at the same time Chris loved this truck and didn't want to part ways with it at all. The freeways were definetly out of the question, as you didn't had room to throw a needle in there. His only chance, at least for the moment, was to mix in with another group of survivors. Chris was certain that there were still survivors in this city. And survivors would normally seek shelter in relatively safe places like police stations, hospitals or schools. After twisting the ignition key and starting the engine, Chris attracted the attention of the walkers nearby. Realising that, he quickly drove away from the scene. At least this street wasn't clustered with cars yet. He decided to follow it, hoping it would lead him to something, anything. Then, as he was driving, at low speed and carefully, Chris spots what looked like a high school, There were a couple of walkers around but mostly dead bodies, a lot of dead bodies, some of them even looked like normal people that have been killed. Chris stops in front of the gate as he gets out and looks around. He wanted to check out this place first before anything. Looking at the gate, he sees that it was more closed rather then locked up so he gets out of the truck, opens it, gets back in the truck and drives inside, stopping to get outside and close the gate. After that he got back in the truck again and drove to the parking lot, stopping there. After getting out Chris sees that there are other vehicles there. A clear sign that the place was populated. However as he headed to the entrance Chris saw the strung dead guy and momentarily stopped in his tracks. [color=1a7b30]"Fuck!"[/color] He said while he looked at the strung dead guy for about a minute but deciding to try his luck anyway. Once at the door, Chris raises his fist and starts punching in the locked door. [color=1a7b30]"HELLO? IS ANYONE THERE? OPEN UP PLEASE!"[/color] He shouted, hoping someone will hear him. [@Wick]