[center][h3][color=00a651]Gren[/color][/h3] [color=00a651]Location[/color]: Folio Trunk - Floor 7 [color=00a651]Activity[/color]: Walking through the Trunk[/center] Gren was quiet. He was focused. But he was also getting a bit annoyed. Everyone seemed so... Scared. It bothered him. He felt like he couldn't trust them if the worse came to pass. Like if they couldn't find the person he was looking for, or if this "Xicu" showed up, they wouldn't even put up any resistance. Maybe Gren was a fool. But he certainly wasn't a coward. [color=00a651]"Karaha."[/color] Gren called out to the umbreon. [color=00a651]"What stops Xicu from coming out of the trunk? It's not just the guild. Everyone in Folio can defend the town too... But only if they have the bravery to fight. Xicu is strong, maybe stronger than any of us. But keep talking like that, and you'll never win."[/color] Gren went back to keeping his senses sharp for any rock type pokemon moving about. He could smell that a few had been here recently, but he couldn't tell what they were doing.