[center][img] https://s32.postimg.org/crj8apaqd/IMG_20160711_200343.jpg [/img] [h1][color=DodgerBlue]Kilik[/color][/h1] Elfen Island | [@NachoBachoPacho] | [@Rune_Alchemist] | [/center] Everything was great, for once he would breath air that didn't reek of undergarmentless men and woman and alcohol. Well, that was up until Altsoba decided to open his big mouth. Why did they make a point of bad mouthing him, or accusing him of so? He was the Captain for gods sake! Slowly he turned to face Altsoba, playful fury etched into his face and light jumping in his eyes. [color=dodgerblue]"If I were bad mouthing you, you would have heard it loud and clear."[/color] he affirmed, growling at the last part. Rushing to his to his feet, he ran after Altsoba to gaze at the harbor which grew ever closer with each passing moment. [color=a2d39c]"Land! finally! our supplies were running so low, I expected Icarus to eat my eyes, during the night."[/color] Kilik gave Altsoba a judgmental look. He was more afraid for the birds safety around them. There were some nights where he was ready to snatch that bird out of his slumber and eat him raw, unfortunately, he didn't have the heart to do that to his friend. [color=dodgerblue]"Lucky I didn't eat it first."[/color] he mumbled solemnly under his breath before waving his hand dismissively at Altsoba's last statement. It would have been great if he could avoid a day with Izusa being drunk. It was quite quiet without her random drunken outbursts and forced strippings. Who knew a woman could be so forward? Unfortunately, it seemed that she didn't need alcohol to be her crazy self. Snickering quietly, he watched at Izusa twirled a pair of Altsoba's underwear. Before long he had burst out laughing at Altsoba's plight, but was secretly glad he still had his on. Soon though, all laughing ended when Izusa nearly fell into the sea. She was a Devil fruit user, and so was he, if she were to fall it would be Altsoba's job to save her. After that little prank, he wasn't sure Altsoba would want to save her, in fact, be might have just ran the ship right over her, which would have been funny also. Wiping a wet tear from his eye, he turned to a now seated Izusa. [color=dodgerblue]"Well, alot."[/color] he began, scratching the back of his head. With that he gestured all around him. [color=dodgerblue]"The Erazor Djinn is in disrepair. We need food, water, no alcohol, and frankly, you all smell like Sea King ass."[/color] he chortled, jumping onto the ships railing. [color=dodgerblue]"A few ground rules before he hit land though; No drinking. No stealing undergarments.[/color] he proclaimed simply. Regardless of their addiction, they still had to make the Djinn-13 look good, and at this moment, they looked like idiots. He gazed at Izusa at that last part though, making sure she understood.