[h1][b][center][color=cyan]Alex Hill[/color][/center][/b][/h1][hr]Day 11 5:30 am[hr] A young man was standing by a Honda Civic in the Velocity Paintball Park's parking lot near Ramona California. As he finished siphoning the remaining gas a faint growl could be heard coming in his direction. The man looked around the car to see two of the undead shambling towards him. Slowly he reached to his back and unsheathed his [url=http://ep.yimg.com/ay/yhst-31644440917560/carved-red-dragon-black-katana-yk-58rd-mc-8.jpg]katana[/url]. He waited for the monsters to get closer then when they were only a few steps away the young man by the name of Alex jumped from behind the car and quickly stuck the katana right into the freaks mouth. He then lifted his leg and kicked the second one in the knee breaking it. He pulled out the katana and 'placed' it inside the skull of the walker that had fallen to the ground. After ensuring that the two were dead he pulled his katana out and wiped the blood off just before sheathing it. He quickly searched the bodies but all that was on them were the tattered clothes and useless ID's. Alex took them anyway in case he encountered anyone who might have known the two. Most likely a pointless act but Alex did it anyway. In a way it helped him keep his humanity. He picked up the two gas cans he'd been working on. One full but the other only had a fourth of what it could hold. Alex walked over to his [url=http://news.mikecalverttoyota.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2014/06/used-toyota-tacoma-matte-black.jpg]Toyota Tacoma[/url] and placed the containers in the bed of the truck. He tied them down to the other supplies he'd been gathering. He'd been lucky so far that he hasn't had to encounter many raiders so he was well stocked. A few gas cans, a coil of barbed wire, a set of tools, and even a generator. Unfortunately the generator didn't work. Alex didn't know what the issue was, but it looked like some sort of belt was snapped. He couldn't focus on that at the moment though. He would deal with it later. Alex walked to the front door and hopped in after setting his katana in the passenger seat. Before starting the truck, Alex turned in his seat to check on his brother and sister, Micky and Sadie. Both were sound asleep. Alex had to do his best to take care of them, and he would. In his mind heading as far north as they could get would be the best option. Aiming for Alaska was what he decided on. He knew that the cold would be difficult, but a low population meant the likelihood of running into one of these things would lower significantly. Alex turned back around and decided to close his eyes for a few minutes and then he would hit the road again. However, Alex unintentionally fell asleep.[hr]Flashback to Day 1[hr] Alex along with his siblings, Ollie; Sadie; and Micky, were walking through a hiking trail to see the Cedar Creek Falls. They were in a small group on a hiking tour. [color=lightpink]"Wow. this place is so beautiful."[/color] Came from Sadie and a few others in the hiking group. Indeed it was but little did these few know but within the next few minutes this place would turn into a graveyard. Most people sat at the edge of the water and enjoyed the view, but a few of the people who were around Alex's age decided to climb up the rocks and jump into the water. Alex and his family were watching the waterfall and chatting when one of the guys fell on top of another. The tour guide quickly ran to the limp form to check on him, but quickly noticed his neck had been snapped. As the guide gave instructions to the people around, the presumed dead's body started jerking around. The majority of the group began gathering around the body while some stayed where they were. Suddenly the body shot up and sunk it's teeth into the neck of the person closest to them. Many of the onlookers gave a loud blood-curdling scream. Ollie ran forward with a few others and knocked the once dead body away from the bite victim. Someone decided to put it in a head lock, but the creature started tearing into the arm holding it. Something was wrong. Horribly wrong. Alex yelled to Ollie, [color=cyan]"Ollie, let's get outta here."[/color] The older one turned to his brother and shook his head in agreement. The Hill family along with a few of the others in the group began running back the way they came. As they reached the parking area Alex noticed many more bodies around than they had started with. As Alex and his family were running to their truck, Sadie screamed due to one of the creatures grabbing her. Ollie quickly darted towards the thing and knocked it down he grabbed Sadie and they started to run to the truck. Sadie and Micky quickly got in, but before Alex and Ollie could climb inside the thing grabbed Ollie and bit him on the shoulder.[hr]Present day 8:30 am[hr] Alex jolted awake to a walker hitting the driver side window. He quickly started the truck and drove off. Those moments that the outbreak started were all Alex could see anymore when he closed his eyes. Those memories were why he couldn't sleep, and why he had to keep his family moving. It was on him to protect them. He would do whatever he could to keep them safe. He drove slowly once he entered the city when in the distance he could hear someone yelling. He decided to check it out in case someone was in trouble. The scream lead him to what seemed to be the high school. As he pulled up to the gate Sadie and Micky started waking up and Alex noticed a guy banging on the front doors to the school. He watched the guy not knowing if he had been seen or not. [@LPFan](and whoever ends up opening the door)