[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LnLAzSS.gif[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=DF7401]Iowerth Rhydderch[/color][/h1][/center] No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy. That said, with good discipline and order one could maneuver their forces so that chaos was never the end result of a clash. Today though? Today was a clusterfuck of epic proportions, whether because they underestimated their enemy, or did not plan their assault properly. Likely, it was a combination of both. When the great tree fell, and Tyaethe wasted no time in abandoning her position to help the captain, it left Iolyn in a terrible position. The captain was in danger. Bandits, while disorganized and weak, were still in front of their position, and there were now crossbowmen emerging from behind. Fanilly's life was the most important one on the battlefield, but Iolyn quickly gave up on going to assist her. If this moon-selection ritual the knights participated in had any merit she would live, especially with the undead juggernaut's help. If it didn't... "[color=DF7401]Shields cover the rear! Block those crossbows! Sir Bors, Sir Gawain, sweep those bandits away! [b]With haste![/b][/color]" The two knights would be up against more than half a dozen bandits, but with their huge size and greatswords Iolyn hoped that the men would break rather than staying to fight with their superior numbers. The shield-bearing knights barely had time to get into position before the first volley of bolts slammed into them, eliciting shouts of pain as some met their marks. Yanking free his crossbow, Iolyn quickly took aim for the one who looked to be shouting orders and fired the bolt meant for Bandit King Jeremiah. Fanilly's life was important, but he needed to protect his men too. In the end, he chose them. "[color=DF7401][B]Charge![/b][/color]" In one motion, he and his men swept forward towards the crossbows, trying to close the distance before they reloaded. Iolyn threw aside his crossbow and let out a battlecry as he surged forward, burying his sword to the hilt as he crashed into one of the ambushers, quickly yanking the blade free as the man crashed to the ground in shock. As one of the crossbowmen drew his sword Iolyn slashed out, severing the man's arm at the elbow, and then quickly felling him with a follow up strike. Around him, his men were finding similar results, and the ambushers began to break, fleeing into the woods. Iolyn let them. Turning around, he noticed Bors and Gawain hard pressed, their charge failed. With a curse, he wheeled about again and surged forward once more, leaving his men to finish cleaning up the stragglers and holding the flanks. Who knew just how many more would emerge from the woods? There was never enough time to think in a melee. With another shout he drove his sword into a cunning bandit who had maneuvered his was around Sir Gawain and took up a position between the two knights, panting heavily. Around him, more bandits were starting to file in and form a ring around them, no longer having to worry about the undead behemoth or the main body of troops from their flank. The position was untenable. "[color=DF7401]There's too many, break through![/color]" The three men charged.