[@Gonzo][@banjoanjo][@HellHoundWoof][@Lillium][@KahleenCuthald][@Thundercrash][@SheriffLlama][@wolverbells][@HecateProxy] [h1][centre]GM Post - Everywhere[/centre][/h1] [i]One week later - breakfast period[/i] As with all mornings in the facility, the first few hours were given over to private leisure time. The inmates would gather together, or go solo, and do any number of things. Some would continue to explore the facility and its various rooms, each top of the range and seemingly brand new. Some would eat breakfast immediately, others would stay in their rooms sleeping or merely relaxing. Still others would visit the gym or the pool for a morning workout and maybe visit the games room afterwards for more laid back leisure. It was towards the end of this morning 'free' period, before the first of the bi-daily sessions the inmates had with their coaches, that the first non-standard announcement came. By now they had all become used to hearing Elisa's cheery voice blaring through the hallways of the facility to remind them of the time. "Wakey wakey all! It's time to start a new day!" or "Your sessions are about begin so make sure you grab something to eat in the next couple of minutes!" and at the end of the day "Time for lights out, people! Remember which rooms are accessible overnight and start getting a shift on to them!" This one, however, was different. The usual ding-dong announcing the beginning of an announcement sounded, and went largely unheeded. The adolescents all knew the system by now, after all. Then Elisa's voice sounded. "Good morning all! To celebrate the successful completion of your first week in the facility we're going to start some group sessions! We'll be mingling this in with your individual ones to help you work alongside others with abilities. Please make your way to the auditorium instead of the coaching rooms for the morning session. I'll catch you all there!" Ding-dong and the announcement was over.