Before Rhasha had time to collect his thoughts and go to the aid of Keegan (The Khajiit had winced sheepishly upon seeing the bolt in the Altmer's arm... a poor choice by himself. Should have left the damned crossbow in the boat.), he was surprisingly reunited with his eldest sister. And quite a surprise it was, considering it had been a good few years since the pair had seen one another. Regardless, La'Dansharr had thrown herself upon her younger brother with a hug and a smile. "I thought I told my baby brother to keep himself out of trouble?" She had purred in greeting, pinching his cheek as she had when they were cubs. Slapping her hand away gently, Rhasha couldn't bring himself to scowl at her, even despite the somewhat gory appearance she had made. As was natural for an assassin, he mostly saw her when she'd killed some poor soul nearby. It wasn't like she could just drop in for tea, after all. Especially with him travelling with the twins for the past few years - Rhasha was the only one in the family who was aware of La'Dansharr's vocation, and the pair of them were quite happy for it to remain as so. "As you know Dansharr, trouble seems to follow this one. And his family, it would seem." He replied with a chuckle, looking pointedly at the dead Armigers surrounding them. Laughing at this, La'Dansharr walked back to the other assassins, flicking the youngest one - Aretino - in the face lightly. "No trouble for us, dear brother. Just our job. If our little cub can remember to actually [b]do[/b] his job, that is." Said in a somewhat scathing tone, Dansharr's eyes darted towards her leader. "No trouble on your little trip out, I trust?" At this, Rhasha'Dar's attention was brought towards the injured, and he rushed first of all to Keegan, uttering a humble apology for his short-sighted move with the crossbow, and finishing the healing which Sadri had started. [hr] "Huh." This was Roze's first reaction to seeing the carnage on the beach, wringing out the sea-water from her hair as she watched on. "Glad I decided to stay on the ship now. I think if this shoulder took another injury it'd fall off." As it happened, nobody had to abandon ship. She did get wet, but that was just to help patch up the hole in the ship with Tsleeixth. With Rhasha's handy potion and a quick water-breathing spell, she'd had no issues with that particular job - she'd felt worse for Sadri who'd been hanging out on the outside of the ship dealing with the leak. Further sympathies were directed to Kattun, who had a less than graceful fall onto land in his rush to get to his Khajiiti companion. "Ooh, ouch. Heard that crack from here. I guess you've got your first patient on the day, Seb." Digging Sebastian lightly in the ribs, he darted a dry look in her direction. "Let's just hope I get the chance to - most people don't walk away alive from the Dark Brotherhood." "Wait, what? The Dark Brotherh- oh, right. Those guys." Frowning slightly as she regarded the four, black-and-red-leather clad assassins on the beach, Roze and Sebastian made their way off the boat with the others. "You haven't pissed off anyone rich or important recently, have you?" "Probably. But not enough to warrant an assassination. I'm hardly that important." "Aw, don't feel bad. I'd have you assassinated." She replied in a sweet voice, gaining yet another withering look in return from her Nord friend. "Gosh, I feel so blessed." Pausing at the dinghy where the injured Kattun lay, Sebastian went about to healing the broken leg while Roze collected her things. The potion was beginning to wear off now, and with cold water and freezing air still clinging to her, Roze's teeth were beginning to chatter. Throwing her heavy cloak on and retrieving her bag and quiver (Keeping the latter and her bow firmly in hand; there were still Armigers limping about, after all), Roze spotted Solveig and Sagax nearby, jogging over. "Damn girl, from what I saw on the ship, you could have wiped out these bonemold arseholes and the assassins single-handedly." She said with a light laugh, which dwindled somewhat as her gaze found the assassins once more. "Speaking of... any idea why they're here? Maybe a Khajiit got tired of the Cat-Kicker at last?" Said with a shrug of the shoulders, Roze looked back to Solveig and Sagax. "We can always hope, right?"