Tiral sucked in a deep breath as he finished recovering enough; at least, for the moment. In retrospect, using such a spell over that sort of distance was a bit... Stupid... But at the same time, his men had managed to break through the barricades without a hitch, so all was well in the end. Every second they would have spent breaking it down was another that the enemy could have used to prepare, and that wouldn't have been... Well, optimal, to say the least. Granted, they probably would've died all the same, but wounds took time to heal, and that would only have reduced their strength in combat in the future. So clearly, the most optimal option was that. ... Right? Before he could go analyze his actions any further, Tiral barely noticed an arrow whizzing by his face, barely missing his cheek and instead bouncing off one of the other knights' breastplates. Right, this was a battlefield; any time for such though could be put off until after the fight was over. Drawing his shortword, the mage noticed that a group of knights was already on their way to reinforce his flank, led by... Was that Dame Marianne? If he had recalled correctly, she had been with Sir Aethelmund... Oh, so the reinforcements would have come whether he had blown his horn or not. A slightly bitter smile flashed across Tiral's face before he began to cut through a few of the bandits on his own. It wasn't as if their forces needed to be united, but there was no point in not regrouping while they had a chance. [b]"You'll pay for this!"[/b] Tiral glared as he turned to his right, noticing a bandit that had been lurking in the bushes was now attempting to attack him. The mage quickly jumped backwards before the bandit swung again. With a wary glance around to confirm that there were no others attempting to attack him, Tiral ducked under the next stab the man attempted and, with a quick chant, held the extended arm in an icy cold grip. "Stay here a while. Freeze!" The bandit's arm was immediately coated with a layer of ice, which quickly traveled down to encapsulate the rest of his body down to his feet. With that problem solved, Tiral moved ahead, a few of the knights behind him grouping up as they noticed his direction. At least, until the flaming tree was felled on the other side of the camp. Tiral noticed a few of the more notable knights quickly rushing over in a panic, but given the distance from his current location and the fact that they still had a job to complete, he decided not to follow suit. If too many abandoned their jobs, after all, the mission might end in failure. There were other ways they could fail, true, but even so--! "Dame Marianne!" he cried out, barely audible over the din of combat until he drew closer. "We should go and make sure no reinforcements interfere with the knights over near that fire! It would do no good to have anything in the way of whatever it is they're attempting to handle!"