So, if you're reading this, that means my title has worked in drawing your attention. Whether it was because it was interesting, different, you laughed at me and my horrible puns, or were simply bored, you're here now. So, might as well read on, yeah? I have made sections to give a bit of information, as you can't go wrong with more information, although if you would rather not you can skip around the details that are not important to you, but reading all of it is recommended. [b]What I'm looking for-[/b] I am looking for a roleplaying partner, or several, depending on how much interest this gets. I don't have any strict limits on who it is, but I do have a few things I am looking for in a partner. I'm going to say right away that I'm a male and I'm 18, as some people find that important or whatever. Honestly I don't care what gender, and am not too strict on the age as long as it's somewhat close to my own. My writing can be from a casual to advanced style, but at minimum from m partner I want two adequate paragraphs and I will do the same. However, I like to right more if the situation calls for it, and more writing is always acceptable, as I normally hover around a high-casual. At the least one post a day, although the more active the better. I can usually pop out more than one, even several if I am not busy and motivated, but I hold myself to the same standard of at least one per day. Granted, things happen, some days are busier than others, so a little heads up from you saying that you'll be busy is perfectly understandable. If you happen not to post one day I'm not going to be mad, as real life always comes first, although if it becomes a continued issue of your absence and/or you don't inform me very often, I may ask that we make some negotiations, which may lead to stopping the roleplay. What I hate more than anything is people dropping off the face of the earth without saying so. I get it, on the rare occasions it can happen. But at most you can at least shoot a message saying "Hey, I got busy or I simply don't want to roleplay with you anymore. So, bye." I won't get upset if you at least let me know, and I will wish you good tidings on whatever life brings you next. [b]About me-[/b] I may reiterate some things, but I don't like talking about myself too much, so this will be short. As I said earlier I am a male of 18 years of age. I write at a casual to advanced level, and hover around high casual. I don't mind being a female or male character or playing multiple characters at a time. I am a very open person when it comes to roleplay, and very easy going, so as long as something interests me I'll be willing to write about it. Mostly while roleplaying I like to talk OOC as well to develop plot points, get feedback, talk among ourselves and all together enjoy the roleplay. If you have an issue or want to do a certain thing or don't like something, basically anything that comes to your mind I encourage you tell me and we can work something out. You don't have to be shy with me. That being said, you don't have to be my friend either if you don't want to (although friends are always nice, and I may persuade you with cookies). Overall I may be a weird guy but I just want to have fun writing with somebody else, and I want both of us to enjoy the roleplay and have the best experience. We're partners in crime, it won't be my roleplay that you happen to be apart of or I'll make you do all the work and I'll just be tagging along. I like equal say, teamwork, and participation so both sides are happy. [b]What I like to roleplay-[/b] Alright, getting down to business. What do I actually want to roleplay about? Well, as I stated before, I like a variety of things (I put a lot of tags for genre). As long as the plot is interesting I will be willing to give it a go, if you like it yourself and you can convince me it's a good idea. However, we can always talk and change roleplays, add new things, and make a plot ourselves or change an existing one so we both are happy. For convenience I will make a list of settings and plots and fandoms and yada yada so you get a general idea, but right now I want to explain one theme that sticks out in most of my 1x1... Romance. I adore romance. Romance and love is something that is a part of a plethora of good stories and is part of our everyday life whether we like it or not. Everybody at one point has wanted a significant other of their own, some have theirs, some are still looking. Whatever the case, I do like romance in my roleplays, but it is not a requirement by any means. But if you like romance, you won't be disappointed. Usually I like to slowly build up the romance, not have them fall in live right away boom bam done. They can certainly have an attraction, but personally I like it to slowly grow and get stronger, go back and forth, have an interesting and in depth love story. Not to say it can't be interesting if they are together at the beginning, and if you can convince me otherwise by all means, but that is what I have experienced in my writing that works the best for me. As far as smut, violence, the 18 and over stuff and M for mature rated R whatever you want to call it, I'm perfectly fine with all that. It's a part of life and some mature themes can prove interesting. However, especially in the case of smut, it would be nice if it wasn't the whole story or a big part of it. I'm not on here to sext people, I'd go on omegle and not go through all this trouble if this was the case. There needs to be balance in life as there is in everything, and although chocolate in moderation is nice, too much will be very bad for you. In the case of other mature themes it's on a situational basis and we can discuss that, violence is always fun and will almost never be shot down, but smut is the one thing that I am sure I do not want tons and tons of. Not saying I don't enjoy and will put effort in a little, and fading to black or none is perfectly fine as well, but I just wanted to lay down that one little ground rule. Here is a list of typical things I enjoy in a roleplay: [i]Setting-[/i] Modern Medieval 1920's America Wild west Revolution era Futuristic Sci-fi Fantasy Steam Punk And any setting you can think of, made up or not, as long as we both can agree on it. I will say I like fantasy elements, and basically things that are not strictly real world, so any made up world or setting or situation I'm sure to like. Although if you're more of the realistic type I won't be upset, and I can always accomadate. [i]Plots[/i] There are tons of different plots, and I like working on mine with my partner, but I will give a few example plot ideas here just for the sake of it. I like starting plots from the ground up, having an idea and running with it from there, but if you have an already set and done plot and setting in mind I will look at it and we can always tweak it, or if you'd rather hear one of my somewhat finished plots we can always discuss that. Zombie apocalype, during or post (Brainssss) Any other kind of apocalypse, during or post People with powers and shit (Because doesn't that sound cool?) Magic (I've got the magic in meeee) War (Pew Pew) Slice of life (This has to be interesting) Forbidden love, an arranged marriage, or any other plot centered around just love (<3) We need to go on a quest/adventure (Hazzah!) Mystery (?) Horror (Boo) Superheroes (My name IS Superman people) Super villains (Every. Villain. Is. Lemons.) Mob/Gang (Another one bites the dust) Greek mythology (Or gods in general) International spy/ thief / espionage (*James Bond music plays in the background*) Saving the world (It seems important) Darker themes (Who turned off the lights?) I'm going to stop listing now as you probably don't want to read anymore, but I do like a lot of different things and this isn't all of it by far. If you have certain themes for a plot you like and want to bring them up to me, by all means. Also, some of these themes can be paired well together for interesting combinations. [i]Fandoms-[/i] Ah, fandoms. We see a book, tv show, movie, video game or comic book and say "Huh, I wanna do that". We've all had those moments. This section will be short, because this interest check is already too damn long, but if you want to run a fandom by me, even if I'm unfamiliar, I will definitely look at it. Pretty much any video game Last of Us Halo Fallout Pokemon (Pokemon Go is amazing by the way) Skyrim Dark souls Star Wars LOTR Hunger Games DC Marvel Maximum Ride (Love this book) Percy Jackson Disney Anime Pretty much if it's interesting, fun, and we can both agree on it, we can do a fandom. Personally I enjoy making OC's and using just the setting and modified version of the plot (Or a completely new one) but I could be interested otherwise. [b]Conclusion:[/b] I'm bored and I want to write with people in the grand scheme of things. I've talked a lot, and by now you should have a pretty good idea of who I am, what I'm about, and what I want. I don't want something in specific, as I am very open, but that doesn't mean I'll just go along with anything. A lot of things interest me and I like new things, but I may have moods and prefer some things over others at certain times. So, if you have more than one idea you would like to pitch to me that'd be great, but if you have one you really want to do we can always look at that first. Similarly if you want me to pitch a few ideas to you I can, and we can work from there. Thanking for reading my interest check and I hope we'll be writing together. And as always, happy writing.