The first email she received turned out to be a joke. Agitated, Gaela went to back to work, copying and filing the stack of papers she was given. In all honesty, she hated her coworkers. Everyone knew she was a heavy drinker back then, and sometimes they invite her to these parties where nearly [i]everyone[/i] is just plastered. She usually leaves early, and the next day they complain about how she's a buzzkill. But yet she continues to work at the office, as it was the best job she's had in years. The next two hours of filing and finishing paperwork gave her a ton of papercuts, which she ignored as her mind wandered. "Hey, did'ya finish filing?" The same coworker from earlier knocked on her cubicle, smiling and holding his hands out for the copies. Gaela rolled her eyes and turned around to face him, plopping the copies onto his awaiting hands. "Thanks, you're a real darlin'. You up to hang out tonight?" [color=f49ac2]"No thanks, I'm busy. Thanks for the invite anyways."[/color] She said, turning her chair back to face her computer. "Alright, well, have fun doing whatever then." After he [s]stomped[/s] walked away, Gaela pulled up the browser to find another email notification. She was exasperated, all she wanted was help and she was probably turned away or made fun of again. When she opened it and read its contents, she was a little surprised. This person actually seemed genuine in wanting to help. Before she could reply, she glanced at the bottom right corner, which now read 6:47 p.m. And with that, she picked up her things and left the office. [hr] Once home, she placed her keys in a small bowl on a table near the entrance, leaning against the wall to pull off her heels. After getting them off she dragged her tired body over to the couch and threw herself onto it, groaning as she rubbed her face into a pillow. When she pulled it off her face, she found that some of her makeup had rubbed onto the pillow. Sighing, she threw it across the room. Suddenly she remembered the email she had received before she clocked out of work, and fished her phone out from her jacket's pocket. Gaela pressed on the screen, typing in her reply and sending it as quickly as she could. [hider=RE: Subject: (none)] Are you serious? Can you [i]really[/i] help? I know it seems like a long shot, but I can't just sit on my ass while this sicko is out there, murdering, y'know?[/hider] After sending it, she dropped her phone on the floor and fell asleep on the couch.