[hider=Blood Knight] [b]Name:[/b] Thule Alexander [b]Alis:[/b] Blood Knight [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r359/Kyuubichild9/anime-2.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Honorable, Bloodthirsty, Disciplined, Idealist, Loyal [b]Powers/skills:[/b] Inhuman Strength, Inhuman Reflexes, Inhuman Durability, Night Vision, Sharpened Senses, Skilled (Self taught) Swordsman [b]Source of Thule's inhuman powers:[/b] After proving himself worthy of the 'gift' during a street fight, Thule was turned into a vampire and granted the various benefits that came with becoming a member of the undead... alongside its weaknesses. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Direct Sunlight, Inability to cross running water, Silver, Holy places and artifacts, Fire, Has no reflection, thirst for blood. [b]Equipment:[/b] A rather well made looking longsword. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Thule Alexander was raised as an only child by parents that were far to busy working themselves to death in two different jobs to keep their heads above water to properly take care of their child. Like many such children, he fell in with the local street gang in order to survive, favoring the usage of a sword that he and some friends of his stole from a pawn shop. Things changed one night when his group of friends decided to try and rob some stranger that was walking alone on their turf. Despite the five to one advantage the woman proved to be absolutely inhuman, easily slaying Thule's friends until he was the last one standing; While he only lasted seven seconds on his own, the fact that he survived that long seemed to impress the woman enough that she didn't just leave him to be a bloodless, broken corpse alongside the others. Thule never learned the name of his Sire; After informing him of the basics of what he was, what his weaknesses were and offering him a philosophy to achieve true power and possibly rid himself of his newly found weaknesses, she left him to his own devices and continued on her own path. With nothing else to go on, Thule started down his own path to either a final death or near god like power alone. At least, until he got a phone call a month later... [b]Other:[/b] Thule believes that skill-at-arms and honor in combat are the only measures of greatness, and that in order for him to grow stronger he should feed only on the blood of skilled fighters, as only the unworthy fed upon the weak. Legend says that if one becomes strong enough they can start shedding their weaknesses until none remain. Thule is still a very young vampire having only been turned a month ago and left largely to his own devices. If he survives long enough to gain experience and proper training, his range of abilities will only raise with time. [/hider]