So in a bout of music induced madness a certain duo convinced me to join. Have a profile that was written while I was falling sleep. [B]Name:[/B] Jack Thor [B]Age:[/B] 40 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]???:[/B] N [B]Skills:[/B] A skilled mechanic with surprising abilities at the multitasking and fine control required by his vehicle. Has also become something of master at evasive flight out of necessity. [B]Appearance:[/B] [img][/img] This guy. Including the hair. [B]Personality:[/B] He once entered the galley of the OSDT shouting if anybody had ordered a large ham...while holding a very large ham from the local supermarket. Needless to say, Jack has something of a larger than life personality. A warm smile that could thaw the chillest of hearts and a protective, fatherly attitude towards his teammates. Has something of a minor obsession with late 20th century America. [B]History:[/B] Although of Norwegian stock, Jack was born and raised on Gerspenritter. As expected of one raised on a corporate colony he has worked for X-Corp in some form or another for most of his life. Starting as a mechanical engineer before showing surprising skill at piloting mecha and being transferred into the test pilot program. In an effort to forge a better life for his wife and ten year old son Jack decided to take advantage of the generous bonus and hazard pay available and volunteered to be a part of the XC|PT squadron. The idea of being able to help humanity as a whole simply sealed the deal for him, even if the OSDT was all but a name in a ledger it was still a group devoted to helping everybody and not just one group. [hider=Level 1 Clearance Required] [hider=Enter Clearance Code] >Password: password >Enter [hider=Code Accepted] [hider=Accessing “Paper Tiger”...] [b]Model:[/b] XC|PT-004 “The Ball” [b]Specialty:[/b] Prototype-Run Support Class SV [b]History:[/b] (See File: “Project Overview” located in 001) They needed a support unit. A ball would do. [b]Appearance:[/b] A large sphere painted in garish red, white and blue stripes that Jack swears up and down have nothing to do with any nation’s flag. Breaking the color scheme are a collection of engine nozzles and robotic arms tipped with a wide variety of tools and claws. [b]Equipment:[/b] As a support class vehicle “The Ball” is equipped with a large variety of tools to provide in-field repairs for any wounded comrades. These range from a modular pair of electromagnetic grabber claws and a plasma welder to a 3D printer with which to construct simple electronics and armor on the spot. In addition, “The Ball” is equipped with a very robust series of thrusters that allow it the delta-v needed to quickly reach any ally in need of repair. [i]Special Comm Systems[/i] - Not a remarkable feature, but still one worth mentioning, “The Ball” has a specialized communication system to allow for further encrypted communication with other HFVs from the XC|PT series. In addition to encrypted communication, the system allows for ease in transferring data between units as well as GPS position relaying. [b]Armaments:[/b] While primarily a support craft, the designers of the XC|PT-004 acknowledged that the battlefield is a dangerous place. As such they decided to give it a pair of rapid fire railguns that launch explosive kinetic penetrator spikes. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] While "The Ball" has enough armor to not die from a single blow, too much would result in an unacceptable reduction in speed. As a result it's only real defense is the high delta-v of the craft and the evasive skills of the pilot. Also as a primarily support craft "The Ball" has very few ranged weapons and nothing dedicated to engaging in melee combat. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]