[h1][b][center][color=cyan]Alex Hill[/color][/center][/b][/h1][hr] When the trio watched as the guy who had been previously knocking on the door was yanked in and the other man looked out the window, Alex said, [color=cyan]"Crap. This could be bad. You two stay quiet."[/color] Both nodded in agreement as someone came to open the gate. Alex slowly drove in and parked in the spot next to the other newcomer. As the three got out of the truck Alex grabbed his sword and slung it on his back. When he entered the building he was surprised when the first thing they did was check his and the other guys arms. Then a girl about the same age as him came up barking off at the guy who brought them inside. It was a little funny to him that someone his age was in charge. As she told them the story of the previous day, Alex wasn't surprised at all. Being a school they were a massive target for bandits and looters. He was surprised at the news of a baby. Maybe that meant this place was safer than it looked. He didn't show any reaction on his face though. The past few days he'd seen many horrid things but nothing so far made him back down. Sadie and Micky, however, had looks of concern on their faces. Alex followed the girl and already had a list of things in his mind that they were doing wrong, but it still seemed safe none the less. As she showed them their rooms Alex shrugged off the fact that the fighters were meant to be downstairs and the non-combatants upstairs and he was being placed in the upstairs. Didn't matter to him. These people didn't mean much to him. Sadie and Micky's protection were top priority, and if this place was safe then staying here for a while might do some good. He was about to speak up when someone he never expected to see walked up behind the 'leader'. [color=cyan][i]*Erin McGarth? Haven't seen her in years.*[/i][/color] The last time Alex had seen this girl was when he was barely a teenager. They were introduced by her aunt and she was one of the few that he would interact with. At the time she seemed hurt. He did his best to hang out with her because he enjoyed seeing her smile. Sadly his family moved after awhile and he didn't say goodbye. He regrets it now seeing as he won't be able to easily avoid her. When she made her requests of the woman in charge Alex was surprised. The once young scared girl seemed to not be as afraid now. Guaranteed it has been a few years. He wasn't gonna let her go alone though. He turned to Sadie and Micky whispering, [color=cyan]"You two stay here. Be safe and stick together. I'll be right back. I need to figure some things out about these people."[/color] The two gave a worried nod and went to their new room. Alex turned to follow Erin without caring much about what the leader had to say. It's not like he'd let anyone get hurt on his watch. He did turn to say to her, [color=cyan]"Look, you don't have to worry about me causing trouble. I just want to keep my family safe, but if anything happens to them. Someone will answer for it. Just sayin'. Oh and by the way, if you want I got a few supplies in my truck if ya wanna check it out. Stick to the bed though. I'd appreciate it if you didn't mess with the cabin."[/color] He caught up with Erin and said, [color=cyan]"You ain't gotta worry about me. I can do my own work. Can easily do Sadie and Micky's as well. Could even do yours if ya needed me to. So small world ain't it Erin. Never thought I'd see you again. Sorry for disappearing without a word. My family moved and I was to nervous to say bye to anyone. So, I guess I should say bye before I say hello. Anyway where we headin' for some gear?"[/color] Alex regretted that he was about to try and use Erin to get info, but he wanted to know if this school was truly safe. He knew Erin would eventually see through his slightly cocky facade, but he'd know what he needed to know before that would happen. [@Wick][@Demonic Angel]