Tsleeixth shivered as the cold wind buffeted him, his clothes sticking to him after his little trip to the lower deck had left them completely damp. When Orakh had asked both him and Roze to accompany him to the lower decks the Argonian had acceded to the old orsimer’s request immediately, reasoning that -as an Argonian- it made sense that he’d be the one to go to the flooding part of the ship and, after having lived for a few years in the Colleague, he was more used to the cold waters of the Sea of Ghosts than the other members of the crew - or so he had thought but, in fact, it was only after a few minutes from their departure from the now, mostly, sealed lower deck that he had begun shivering slightly due to the cold climate. Shaking his head slightly to focus his mind, Tsleeixth turned his gaze towards the distant shore to which The Courtesan slowly made its way towards. and the battle that raged on its sands. From what one of the sailors had told him the group that had gotten out of the ship on the dinghy had been attacked by a group of warriors in Bonemold armor without apparent reason, or at least no apparent reason that any of the sailors could deduce from The Courtesan. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Tsleeixth resigned himself to waiting for the hsip to be near the shore before he, or any of those remaining on the ship for that matter, could offer any help to the group that was on the beach fighting. However, before The Courtesan could arrive to provide assistance to the beleaguered beach group, help came in a most unexpected form: four assassins clad in the typical black-and-red leather armor of the Dark Brotherhood. “[i]By the Hist, what is the Brotherhood doing here?[/i]” Thought Tsleeixth, his mouth hanging slightly agape at the sight of the four assassins. “[i]A contract? Could someone live here that has performed the Black Sacrament?[/i]” He thought for a split second before his thoughts were yanked back to reality by the sound of bones breaking promptly followed by Dumhuvud shouting at them to make sure they knew how to climb down before attempting to go down to the beach. Imitating what he saw other, presumably more versed in climbing techniques than him, sailors and members of the company were doing, Tsleeixth sent a rope across the rail and then slid down carefully, going perhaps a bit slower than necessary, until he reached the ground. Surveying the area, he noticed that Do’Karth and Sevine were seemingly alone amidst the group, not noticing that Leif was going there as well. “Do’Karth, Sevine! Good to see you two aren’t injured.” Said the Argonian, the corner of his lips turning upwards in the equivalent of a smile as he relaxed slightly. “Do you know if any of the warriors are left alive? It could be useful to interrogate at least one of them,” Said Tsleeixth shortly after, his hand firmly grasping the hilt of his sword, ready to spring into action “Or is it that they were all killed?” He asked after a while, his eyes surveying the scene looking for any Armigers that might have survived or that were trying to escape.