[@Heat] [hider=Scarleth Pevensey][center][h2][u][b]Prisoner Data Form[/b][/u][/h2] [h3]Scarleth Pevensey[/h3] [img]https://s31.postimg.org/5znarcbbv/assassin.jpg[/img] [/center] [b]Aliases:[/b] Ruby Red [b]Prisoner ID Number:[/b] 2527 [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Former Faction:[/b] The Black Stars [b]Physical Description:[/b]() [hider=Description Form] [b]Height:[/b] 5'4" [b]Weight:[/b] 140 pounds [b]Eye Description:[/b] Her eyes are a warm, almost amber like brown. [b]Hair Description:[/b] Her hair is brown as well, lightening and curling the further from the base it gets. She wears it rather short, hitting her shoulders, and loose. However, in some situations she'll pin it up into a sophisticated bun. [b]Skin Description:[/b] Lightly tanned [b]Scars, Birthmarks, or other Identifying Traits:[/b] She has a brand on her left ankle from a rival gang. The brand is "RR" in order to warn anyone who crosses her of her identity. She covered the brand up with a tattoo of three diamonds: two red and one black. [b]Facial description:[/b] N/A [b]Description of Clothing/Armor:[/b] Prior to being arrested, Scarleth would wear whatever the mission suited. If she was taking the target out from afar, she would dress in all black, similar to the picture of her above. If the target was going to be poisoned at a dinner, she would dress for the party in a gorgeous gown, and mingle among the guests. During missions, she wears [url=http://img02.deviantart.net/e98d/i/2012/277/b/4/sci_fi_girl_by_natalie_becker-d56mwc6.jpg]this set of armor.[/url] It offers standard shielding, as well as plenty of holsters and places to conceal weapons. Its sleek design allows for freedom of movement, as well as not being too outrageous, in order to allow for concealment. It doesn't offer any sort of vision help, as her artificial eye has that covered. When not working, Scarleth tends to wear a black long sleeved shirt with white collar, dark washed pants, combat boots, and a black cloche hat. [/hider] [b]Bionic Limbs/Synthetic Organs/Robotic Augmentations:[/b] Due to what her godfather continues to insist truly was a childhood accident, Scarleth has an advanced augmentation instead of her right eye. It allows her to see not just visible light, but IR light as well, and provides precision and accuracy for aiming. [b]Weapons of Choice:[/b] -A mixture of morphine and atropine, poisons that counteract each other and leave no trace, yet still kill the victim. -[url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/39/Fs-dagger.jpg]Two concealed daggers[/url] hidden in her boots, excellent for a discreet kill when poison won't do -[url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ab/97/5a/ab975a716f42c4da8e12a60f49036453.jpg]Whisperer Model 38-B[/url]: small, discreet, accurate, and quiet. The new (and far smaller) sniper's rifle. [b]Charges/Sentences:[/b] According to the Federation, the famed Ruby Red (Scarleth) is serving a life sentence for the murder of the governor of the Coramorr colony. She is suspected of intending to kill five other prominent officials. Beyond their knowledge, Scarleth has had 51 confirmed kills beyond the one she is in prison for. She's more than earned her stay LMSIF. [b]Skills:[/b][list] [*]Scarleth has an almost seductive personality, causing people to drop their guard around her, and perhaps be more at ease to do what they shouldn't. She's incredibly charming. [*]Scarleth is calculating and cold, able to look past emotions and get the job done. [*]Scarleth has a good deal of experience when it comes to murder, and has mastered the art of the assassin (aside from getting caught, that is). [*]Scarleth is able to disguise herself and hide in plain sight. She's a master of deception. [*]Lying is her middle name. [*]Scarleth is skilled with administering poison, firearms, and knives.[/list] [b]Flaws:[/b][list] [*]Scarleth has never truly gotten close to someone, never experienced honest connection and friendship. [*]She trusts no one but herself, and as of such, is quick to blame others. [*]She loses her cool in unplanned hostile situations--she likes to be able to know exactly what's going to happen in advance. [*]She feels nothing when killing another person. She doesn't value life. [*]Scarleth is stuck up and egotistical.[/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Cold hearted and calculating, Scarleth has embraced the mentality of a killer. She doesn't truly feel much, instead burying her emotions deep, deep down. She fakes and lies constantly, always attempting to blend in with the accepted norm, and gain the trust of those around her. Manipulative to the end, Scarleth respects those who don't act cowardly and do take ownership of their actions. Her loyalty and drive is for herself, yet due to her schooling, she simply doesn't know a life outside of being a contract killer. It's simply who she is. Morbid humor and sarcasm come second nature to her as well, and she's a bit quick to anger when she views others are making simple mistakes. [b]Personal Biography:[/b] Scarleth's parents were about as dull and inane as possible. The two of them worked in the tourism industry, and as exciting as that was, they merely filled out forms and went through the same old routine. They had a daughter, naming her after her grandmothers Scarlet and Rosebeth, creating the most awkward name of all time: Scarleth. It was almost fortunate that two years later, when her parents were away for business and left her with a sitter, they were killed in a freak hyperspace collision. The authorities never managed to figure out why both ships were in the same place at the same time, but it killed Scarleth's parents all the same. Her godfather took her in. He lived on the planet Samlingssted, in its capital city of Notrurn. The planet was a sophisticated one, to the extent that most of its residents lived an incredibly comfortable life. Her godfather, however, made his living by training young girls to be assassins. His students, once they turned of age, would then be recruited by some of the major gangs. He would receive a lovely bonus and they would be fully prepared for their new life of crime. The entire process was hidden under the disguise of being an Etiquette and Culture School for Young Ladies, of which her godfather was (supposedly) the head teacher. Seeing the potential of his goddaughter, he entered her in the school at the age of six. Until Scarleth turned eighteen, the school was practically her home. Her and nine other girls were trained in various methods of combat, utilizing knives and firearms. They were taught how to shoot a weapon, with the majority of them having an "accident" that required an enhanced augmentation replacement to one of their eyes. They were then drilled on further precision and accuracy, and taught fine manners, in order to blend in among the higher members of society. By the time they completed their training at the academy, Scarleth and the other girls were highly desirable potential members for the major criminal organizations. She was recruited by the Black Stars. Working for them, she used her training to assassinate high profile targets. These targets would be those adverse to the gang or political figures, as well as rival gang leaders. Excelling thanks to her training, she killed a total of 52 people in her seven years working for the Black Stars. Her time with them ended when she was 25, and her godfather sold her out to a rival gang. They alerted the authorities of where Scarleth, the famed Ruby Red, would be, and she was arrested for one count of murder and five counts of intended murder. She has been in prison ever since, slowly losing her mind due to the confinement, and desperate for any chance of escape. [b]Personal Belongings:[/b] -A silver locket given to her by her godfather on her graduation day: the initials RR are engraved on it. -[url=http://g01.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1Ni95JFXXXXclXXXXq6xXFXXXu/Snake-Head-Design-Fashion-Women-font-b-Ruby-b-font-font-b-Ring-b-font-Black.jpg]A red ring[/url], a trophy taken from her first kill. [b]Other:[/b] Her alias, Ruby Red, is an allusion to the appearance of spilled blood on porcelain. [b]Theme song[/b]: [url=https://youtu.be/rHBxJCq99jA?list=PL1DypZCAJXDfrdSBl0EEbwf1VpSjxEA9X]Heaven Knows - The Pretty Reckless[/url][/hider]