[@Shienvien], [@cthulu], [@yoshua171], [@Mercinus3], [@Rhaevnn Xeno], [@Legion X51], [@ASTA] and [@Ashgan]... may I have your attention please? Am I doing something wrong? Right from the time when I started this RP, which by now is a fairly long time ago, I have endeavored to be a forthcoming, understanding and generally amicable GM who, while stressing – as I will do again today – that I am indeed dedicated to this RP, its story and its continuation, but also time and time again reminding you all that real life comes first. Of course it does, and it has always been my policy that temporary inactivity was fully acceptable as long as I received some kind of forewarning, and/or some kind of assurance that you are still in the RP and haven’t dropped it. But right now, the way things are looking, I cannot help but to wonder if I have perhaps been too lenient and too understanding, to the point where my failings have brought the health of this precious old RP of mine – which has admittedly been deteriorating slowly but inexorably for a long time – to what feels unnervingly like close to the brink of death. I know of many other GMs who would have decided that their RP had died long ago with the level of activity The Prophecy has had for the past months, if not even the past year, and quite frankly I think that the fact that I’m still fighting for this RP even at this point should demonstrate the level of sheer stubbornness with which I pursue its survival, deepened even further by my knowledge that there are also still players who not only want to participate in it, but who remain passionate about it too. Several times over the course of this RP I have faced vaguely similar issues with single players, and during these times I had to invoke [I]deus ex machina[/I] or downright cut those players from the story one way or another in order to enable the RP to continue. Now, however, it is not one player, not one story; in the three branching stories of The Prophecy currently active, none are particularly active. The most active one has gone half a month without seeing a reply, which would be acceptable... [I]if it was the exception rather than the norm[/I]. I am understanding and try to help you get through the hardships of your real lives without having to worry about the RP, and I realize that writing posts of the level that has become a hallmark of this RP can be taxing and time-consuming, but I have to realize that there is something seriously wrong when huge amounts of time pass without any activity whatsoever. Even in the most active branch of the story, it feels as though posts only occur when I grow impatient and request posting to be resumed. I spoke of this briefly in a previous “recent” - which one month ago is according to the standards currently in place – OOC-post, but nothing happened. If you will permit me to do so, I would like to quote the rules-section of the OP of this RP; a rule that has been in place since the beginning of the RP: [QUOTE]- If you are unable to post for a longer period of time (more than four days, for instance) tell us first.[/QUOTE] [I]Four days[/I] was originally considered a [I]longer period of time[/I], warranting a warning to one’s fellow players. That is where we came from, and this is where we have gotten. One of the three branches of the story has been stuck for [I]over a quarter of a year[/I], and the last of the three is not far behind that one. You know which branches I mean without me naming them. I’m not mentioning anyone in particular in relation to this, not calling anyone out, and I leave it to each of you individually to consider whether you feel responsible for the current state of the RP, and whether you really are that [I]extraordinarily preoccupied[/I], or if you have perhaps just gotten bored with the RP or a “little” lazy. Some players are commendably ready and rarely delay for long once their turn comes around before they post, but those are regrettably in the minority... and quite frankly, recruiting new players for the RP will do nothing for the health of the RP if those new players still have to wait months for the old players to post their turn. I may sound like I am being harsh, and for that I apologize. I realize from experience that a post like this will most likely make one or several people feel so particularly targeted – though I truly am targeting no one in this post – or so guilty that they feel pressured into leaving the RP, and I realize that including a disclaimer saying that I do not want this will probably not change that. But even so, I have come to the conclusion that it needs to be said. Which brings me to the ultimate purpose of this post: [B]what needs to be done?[/B] Clearly I need to do something different, or this incarnation of The Prophecy really will die. What am I doing wrong? Should I hound you for not posting whenever a few days have passed? Should I be less polite and more resolute in my requests for posts? Or are my expectations unreasonable? I don’t think they are, but at this point I can’t be certain about anything. All of these question marks aren’t there just for appearances’ sake, and they have their name for a reason: I am genuinely asking [I]you all[/I] real questions here, and I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter. Please, help me be better if I have performed poorly as GM; please help restoring The Prophecy.