[hider=Taika Koskela] Name: Taika (Tai) Koskela Age: 17 Ethnicity: Finnish [hider=Appearance] [IMG]http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww228/PastaSorcerer/OCs/Real%20People/Screenshot_2015-07-16-23-32-18_zps9xjs0e76_edit_1437567651983.png_zpsihqmgua8.jpeg[/IMG][/hider] [hider=Bio] She and her family moved to England when she was 5 due to her fathers job prospect. Tai had always found it hard to make friends as there was a language barrier. She soon picked up English within a few years and was fluent. Her father is fluent, her mother is not so fluent though she easily manages. She is fluent in both English and Finnish as at home they tend to speak Finnish for ease to her mother as she does struggle sometimes. Some people just aren't good at picking up languages. Even though now she is fluent in English, she still finds it hard to make friends. Maybe that's just who she is and shes accepted that fact. She entered her baby bat stage at a fairly young age and her parents didn't mind or flip out so ended up graduating to full goth fairly young. This could also be another reason why people avoid her for whatever reason. She is a spiritualist and only really attends one club at school. Her crystal healing class. She was quite fortunate that they still kept it going as there are only a handful of people who attend this weekly class. The people there seem to think she's a witch, solely on the premise that shes goth and into crystal healing. She finds it highly amusing. She's actually a very nice and open person when you get to know her, just she comes off a little stand offish to start with because of how she has been treated by others. [/hider] [/hider]