[b][u]Those in Charge[/u][/b] Myself - GM [@Fallen Muse] - Co-GM - Original Idea [h2][center]Tales from the Hole[/center][/h2] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbQgXeY_zi4[/youtube] (Major inspiration for the RP)[/center] Blurry eyes stared upwards at the dome that was the confinement of New Earlton. It was hard to believe that a few hundred years ago there hadn't been a dome, but rather cities were open like the land that surrounded them letting people freely come and go as they needed. Those blurry eyes tilted down to stare at the ones who had beaten him, three tall reptillian shapes holding bats, and one with a small thirty eight special. "You crossed the line Harland. Fucked everything up. Just had to stick your nose into shit that you were't supposed to. Haven't you learned by now being a cop doesn't mean shit here." The Reptile with the gun walked forward, the blurry eyes of Harland were able to focus, and see that he was in fact a bipedal Komodo dragon. "This is my turf. My people. You don't come here, and start pushing your weight around just because you got a badge Harland. Now you're never gonna get the chance to again." The barrel of the gun raised up and pointed right at the Harland his eyes blinking slowly. "Any last words Cop?" Harland looked up, inhaling for a moment before spitting a wad of blood on the ground in front of the Komodo Dragon's feet. "Fuck you Vokul... I am trying to make this city a be...-" but Harland didn't get to finish his sentence as suddenly a bullet found his forehead making his head whip back his brains spraying across the garbage behind him. Vokul walked over and pushed Harland's body with his foot, and turns to the two horny toads that were attending him with baseball bats. "Well.. Let's leave him for the maggots." He chuckles a bit and walks out of the alley, flies already buzzing around the anthropomorphic cop's body. This was New Earlton, the prime example for a city during this time. Corruption, and crime reigned supreme, and everyone else just had to sit back and take it. Gunshots popped off in the distance as if to emphasize this followed by angry yelling, and screaming. Vokul slid into the back seat of black limousine, and whispered something in one of his guard's ears. As the doors closed, and the car drove away several humanoid mice came out of hidden places and started to strip Harland's body of everything it had. New Earlton, city of survivors. [hr] [center][b][h2]OOC, The Hole[/h2][/b][/center] Before I say anything else. I'm going to explain that this is a Anthropomorphic RP, in which characters will be taking on the roles of animals that have human characteristics, such as standing on two lands, having hands, speaking, wearing clothes, using tools, and other such devices, as well as having dimorphic genders (meaning that females would have noticable breasts, and be more slender and curvy, while males would be more masculine. Though there are of course exceptions as there are with humans as there are women who are of course masculine, and men who are feminine.) The RP will take place in the city of New Earlton on a planet where things have gone to hell for anyone who does not live in a domed city. The world outside of the dome is filled with deadly monsters, and poisonous gasses. Anyone who ventures outside of the dome needs to have a gas mask and prepared to fight off the deadly creatures that roam the lands. Inside the city however could possibly be more dangerous, the streets are filled with gangs who are constantly warring upon each other, and the police aren't much better as they abuse the power given to them perform rackets of their own. One place though, that serves as the hub for the inner dealings of every faction is a Club, and hotel called 'The Hole', a neutral business with no allegiance to any one faction, though all are welcome to congregate as long as they follow the rules. Players will be allowed to play gangsters, law enforcement, or just anthros trying to survive in New Earlton, that being said you will be able to create your own gangs, and run them (Within reason) and even join other players gangs. There are so many possibilities in 'Tales from the Hole' that it will be difficult to ever reach every possibility in the RP. [u][b]Disclaimer[/b][/u] This RP will have mature elements, that range from rather vicious violence, adult situations, language, and hints of sexuality. This RP will not endorse any actions by players that would violate site rules, and firmly insists that anything that would be taken somewhere else privately. If you are not mature enough to handle these situations it's highly suggested that you do not apply. If you have questions please ask. If you don't like furries, or have something nasty to say please go away. [u][b]Rules[/b][/u] - Follow the Guidelines of Roleplayer Guild - Do not flame or troll. If you've a problem with somebody, contact the nearby GM or co-GM - Outside of the Dome Walls, you'll die without a Gas Mask. No exceptions. [hider=Character Skeleton Sheet] [Insert Appearance Here] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Furry Species:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Height:[/b] [b]Weight:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Inventory (Insert your Equipment here too):[/b] [b]Other:[/b][/hider] [h2]Attention![/h2] It'd be good if you guys @ Mention any characters involved so that we know to pay extra attention to your post. Reminder: @ mentioning something after post is posted wont send a notification. Should this happen, post an @ mention for the characters involved in the OOC. Thanks.