[b]Status: CLOSED[/b] [b]The Basics:[/b] - I almost always RP through PM, a really good case has to be made for me to consider otherwise. - I play female mostly, but I can also play males: I do MxF, and sometimes FxF. - My posts can be anywhere from two to five paragraphs. -[i] All[/i] of my RPs will include romance in some way, shape, or form. That doesn't need to be the main focus, though. - I will reply once a week at the [i]very[/i] least, but more than likely once every day or two (I work part-time and I'm in college full-time). - I require simple CSs before starting a RP (name, age, appearance). - I like getting to know new people, so I don't mind OOC chat! [b]Rules:[/b] - Be willing to work with me on the plot, as I usually just have broad pairings. - Must write at least two paragraphs with around five-to-seven sentences each. - Replies once a week or more. - Mostly proper grammar, please! - If you're going to be gone a while, let me know. I'll completely understand! [b]Pairings:[/b] ([i]Italics[/i] are the roles I would like to play) Student X Teacher Band Member X Fan Genie X [i]Princess[/i] [i]Genie[/i] X Prince Male Psych Patient X Female Psych Patient (Supernatural) Male Psych Patient X[i] Female Psych Patient[/i] (Realistic) Vampire X [i]Human[/i] [i]Vampire[/i] X Werewolf Prince X [i]Maid[/i] [i]Angel[/i] X Demon Witch X Mortal Nazi Officer X [i]Jewish Girl[/i] Arranged Marriage College Roommates [b]Based on TV Shows/Movies:[/b] Leverage Alphas Once Upon a Time Merlin Pitch Perfect Based on [url=http://youtu.be/G0KTUysrwgQ] this[/url]: I'd play Kara. [b]If you have any ideas that aren't listed, go ahead and suggest them! I just might be up for it! I will also be updating this as I see fit! :)[/b]