‘Roger rogzer’ Fixer followed the instructions of Jacque and pre-plotted the hyperspace co-ordinates. In the meanwhile he transferred power to the engines and forward shield, so that they could bust trough and leave the battle before it even started. With rumbling engines the Milano ploughed on until the comms came to life again: ‘Vzee-Tzee FFFortzynein-nein-nein-NEIN coming up on our ports-zeit’ --- On the bridge of the Dauntless a warning of similar contents was brought in an entirely different form. ‘The Milano is approaching on the expected vector sir.’ Rear-Admiral Atalon didn’t hesitate and gave the orders he had intended: ‘Let the Relentless to engage. Fly us into their path.’ Again he grinned at his plan, that he wanted them to escape didn’t mean he could just let them go. ‘time to put on a convincing show’ He murmered to himself as the Relentless’ quad laser cannons started peppering the frontal shield of the Milano that was almost clear of the asteroid field.