Name: Rodger Rainer Age: 38 Gender: Male Appearance: A tall, deceptively muscular white man with a gaunt face, a goatee and mustache, and a head completely shaved except for a little swirl of hair right on top that sort of looks like a flower bud. He wears a loose fitting floral patterned shirt with a flared collar that he always keeps tucked into a pair of old, beaten up bluejeans. His belt buckle is big, gold plated, and has the word LOVE printed on it with the O replaced with a flower, he has a peace sign necklace around his neck, and he wears cowboy boots. Backstory: Growing up with a poor single mother and no siblings, Rodger was always a lonely but good mannered child. He occupied his time in the rough neighborhood he lived in by tending to a small island of greenery in the middle of his street, just a small patch with a few trees separated from the road by concrete dividers, that the city had installed in a attempt to beautify the neighborhood a little bit and then promptly abandoned and turned into a communal waste dump for the people of the neighborhood. He would mow the grass, water the trees, and pick up any trash he was strong enough to haul away. Anything too large for him to pick up wholesale, such a washing machine of a busted television, he would take apart using any tool he could scrounge up and haul it away piecemeal. This habit continued even when he was older and stronger, and soon his room was filled with the pieces of things he'd taken apart and put back together with parts taken from other broken things he'd found. He and his mother would take the thing he repaired to a local pawn shop, and with the money he bought better tools, fertilizers, and flowers to plant in his little island of trash and greenery. To his mind the two were intertwined now, the plants to grow and the trash to tinker with being equal and inseparable in his heart. In the end those around him that had mocked his endeavors in the beginning had stopped throwing out their things so as not to ruin what was now known around town as the boys garden, and people began to come to his home personally to see if he could repair something they had broken or simply give him something that they were going to throw away. Years past, and Rodger eventually left home to attend college in the nearby city of Angel Springs to get his engineering degree. However, while he was away his mother fell deathly ill. Racing home, he quit school and found work to pay for her hospital bills. Despite this, the disease eventually claimed her life. Returning to Angel Springs but never finding to motivation to continue his education he found a small home in one of the seedier parts of town that reminded him of his youth and started working with his hands again. Since then he has sustained himself with manual labor jobs, mostly landscaping and gardening work, as well as running a small, bizarre "Repair Shop" out of his home that is known only to the inhabitants of the surrounding neighborhoods. Likes: Tranquility, work, plants, cars, community, and continuous noises like the rotation of a fan or the purr of an engine. Dislikes: Disorder, wastefulness, littering Powers: Stand: Vitalogy (Pearl Jam album) Destructive Power: A Speed: B Range: D Durability: B Precision: D Development Potential: D Vitalogy appears as a large, tribal style punchghost with a grass skirt, a stone tiki mask, and arms twice the length of its body that bend like whips and look like the bodies of anacondas. Vitalogy can plant seeds inside things that are broken or damaged, which then quickly grow to replace any damaged components of it and take over their functions. For example, planting the seed inside of an old broken down car would cause all the damaged parts to be patched with plant matter and the car would work as normal. Things repaired by Vitalogy must be cared for as plants are. Left for a while near soil the plant matter will extend roots into the earth in search of nutrients, and Vitalogy can cause this effect to violently trigger whenever it is nearby. They must also be given sufficient sunlight and water. If not cared for in this way the plant matter will wither and die as normal. The properties of the plant matter that grows depends upon the seed Vitalogy plants.