You did, and I appreciate that (I will get to replying to that PM, by the way, there are just some of the things I want to say in it that still require some mulling over), but while it is somewhat assuring to at least hear such things from you, I find it fairly disconcerting that I practically [I]only[/I] hear it from you. I mean, I'm pretty sure that a short notice of "sorry, can't post right now because I'm busy" or such would take a minute or two to write, and I don't think I've ever given anyone any reason to expect that I would respond poorly to that. A note on the rule I quoted back up there, the way it's meant to be read is "post four days from when your turn rolls around", not "you personally post every four days". I do agree with what Shien brought up in her PM about it being a rule from a different time with different players and not entirely applicable now, but even so a week's delay would probably be a more suitable milestone for when it's a nice move to drop a comment about there being a bit of an extra wait. And yes, as Shien pointed out - and I previously specifically requested - hearing from everyone, even just a short comment, would be greatly appreciated.