I was getting into bed when I saw this so, in my tired state, decided to reply when I woke up--apologies for that small delay, as I understand the anxiety of a fellow GM who feels they may be losing, or perhaps have lost their precious creation. Especially considering that I myself have recently started up a RP of my own. That nonwithstanding I hope that my semi-frequent forgetfulness in regards to posting (as it is a mixture of a terrible forgetfulness and an annoying lack of time due to work) has not greatly contributed to this incredible lull in activity. Regardless, I again feel the need to express that I have no intention of disappearing or going anywhere. I'm not entirely certain in regards to what you ought to [i]do[/i] Jack because if anything I believe you have been one of the most exemplary GMs I have had the pleasure of playing with/under during the 6 or so years of time that I have RPed. Hell, I've even adapted some of my own GMing style in regards to revelations regarding what I could figure about yours. So yeah, consider me here until the point where I decide/state that I don't wish to continue--which I don't see occurring any time soon if at all as the world of the Prophecy is absolutely phenomenal and so are the players I have come to share it with (not to mention, you our stellar GM). I hope the others find time to reply, at the very least to express that they remain, or to help rejuvenate the flow of the IC and assuage your quite warranted concerns. Regardless, I will be here waiting and listening patiently with hope that things will turn out well. If not, I'd be all for joining a reboot/remake if that does become necessary--though I hope it doesn't have to come to that point. Anywho, for now, I shall cease my ramblings haha, and once again wait for a response :) Hopefully this helps ease at least a small portion of your worries. I wish I could do more to that effect, but sadly I am only one person so here I sit. Ciao [i]*fades into the background, remaining alert, if otherwise occupied*[/i]