[@rhema13] [hider=Master] Name: Ikii Roshi Age: Actual age is uncertain Gender: Male Rank: Master Martial Arts Style: Shaolin Martial Arts Gang Affiliation: None Looks: [img]http://www.cosplaysuperdeal.com/images/product/Master_Roshi.jpg[/img] Height: 5'2 Backstory: A wondering master, under the name Ikii Roshi. Once had a student who showed talent in his techniques but while that student showed promise, he also showed a darker side that kept growing inside until the day Roshi had to abandon that disciple. In order to take a disciple he normally have them bring him special payment... that a clear pervert would enjoy, to prove one thing for him, that they would enjoy the little things in life, without that he wouldn't dare to teach them. Having just arrived in the same city of Ryozanpaku with an invitation to see if he would be interested in their plan. Crush: Every lady he sees Personality: Sporadic, at times can become series and dangerous, while the other half of the time seems to silly, and perverted to be an actual master. though sometimes can be to strict. Other: Also a Medical Master. (kind of think of Akisame if he was as old if not older than Kensei Ma and was perverted like Kensei, just without the Jujitsu) [/hider] Thought I'd tie it into some untold backstory of my other character, which would make more since for why my other character knows what he does of KI techniques, and give more of a reason as to why they would fight lol.