[centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ4LjM5OGYzOC5RMmh5YVhNZ1IzSmxaVzVpWlhKbi4w/death-star.regular.png[/img][/centre] [centre][hider=Chris Greenberg] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cmouw9BVMAQYH_b.jpg[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CkYEELWXEAEgP0B.jpg[/img] [/hider][/centre] As he was banging on the door hoping for someone to answer Chris made a few steps back as he heard someone unlocking the door. Then as the door opened Chris was greeted by a huge guy who pointed a gun at him. He raised his arms. [color=1a7b30]"Easy there big guy. Why don't you put that gun away okay? You're a little too excited."[/color] He said but there was no reasoning with this guy. Chris started thinking of various scenarios of how to deal with him before he actually shoots the gun. Then the guy calmed down as the apparent leader of this group showed up. It was a young woman by the name of Nikki. She took him for a tour of the place and as she was doing that she also layed down the law on him, telling him what he should and should not do, also spicing up her speech with some threats here and there. Chris payed attention to what she said but at the same time he also surveyed the place carefully. Then she left him on the 2nd floor as she left. Chris turned around and headed for the stairs as he bypassed a room with a blonde guy guarding it. The two eyeballed each other for a moment as Chris passed him and headed for the stairs as he started climbing down. Once he was on the 1st floor again Chris headed to the room that Nikki gave him and opened the door as he stepped inside, closing the door behind him. He looked around and took off his backpack, putting it against the desk. The place looked like a counseling office. This was probably where troubled students came to release the pressure, he thought to himself as he took off his leather jacket, putting it on the desk followed by his revolver, together with it's holster, putting them on the desk as well. He decided to keep the knife as he layed down on the couch, and closed his eyes, hoping to get some shuteye. [b]Day 6 flashback 4:18 PM[/b] "Remind me again what the hell are we doing in a Walmart store?" Asked Joe while looking at his bigger brother. Chris looked at him in return but with a funny face. [color=1a7b30]"We need supplies remember? And where can you find everything you want in one place? In a Walmart of course. Besides...we couldn't stay in that bank anymore. There was no water, no electricity, no nothing."[/color] He responded. "I understand that but this is not a good idea. This place should be stuffed with walkers. We can't..." Said Joe but he didn't get to finish his sentence as Chris covered his mouth with his right hand as they both leaned down. Walkers could be heard moaning from the other side of the shelf. [color=1a7b30]"Alright maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Let's settle for what we have so far and leave."[/color] Whispered Chris as Joe smacked him on his right elbow. "If we die here it's all your fault." Whispered Joe, visibly concerned. As the two were crawling to what they believed was the exit, more and more walkers could be heard moaning around everywhere. "God, we are so fucked!" Whispered Joe. Then all of a sudden the sounds stopped as Chris and Joe rised up on their feet again. [color=1a7b30]"Alright, I think we're safe now."[/color] Said Chris grabbing his little brother by the elbows. "No were not!" Said Joe as he pointed to a really fat walker that appeared just in front of them at the end of the aisle. [color=1a7b30]"Run!"[/color] Said Chris as they turned around and started running in the opposite direction. The sound of their running combined with the sound of the cart was attracting the attention of the walkers which started following them and piling up in a really large group. As they finally reached the exit, Chris and Joe both got outside and started running to the parking lot where Chris's Dodge Ram was parked. As they reached the truck they started to quickly throw the supplies they managed to get in the bed of the truck. As the walkers got more and more closer, Chris abandoned the whole thing, getting inside and starting the truck. [color=1a7b30]"Come on man, leave them!"[/color] Shouted Chris to his little brother as he peeked his head out through the lowered window. "Just a few more seconds." Said Joe, continuing to throw the supplies in the bed. [color=1a7b30]"We don't have a few more seconds."[/color] Said Chris upset as he pulled out his revolver and started shooting at the walker mini-horde, which followed them from inside the Walmart. After the 3rd shot he stopped firing as Joe finished loading and ran to the passenger side door, opening it. But after putting one leg inside, a walker showed up from behind the bushes and grabbed Joe by his elbow, biting his arm. [color=1a7b30]"NOOOO!"[/color] Shouted Chris as he got out of the truck and pulled out his knife, plunging it in the walker's head, killing it. Chris grabbed Joe and attempted to raise him up and put him in the truck. "It's no use. Leave me!" Said Joe who seemed at peace with his fate. [color=1a7b30]"No, you're the only family I have left. I'm not gonna lose you too."[/color] Said Chris desperate to put his little brother in the truck faster as the walkers were getting closer and closer. "No, he bit me. I'll become one of them soon enough. Go, save yourself. I'll distract their attention." Said Joe as he pulled himself away from Chris's grasp and with his shotgun in hand he runs away from the truck and bypasses the walkers, stopping at the Walmart entrance as he pointed his shotgun at the walkers and starts shooting at them. [color=1a7b30]"JOOOOE! What the fuck are you doing?"[/color] Said Chris dropping his knife and putting his hands on his head with tears coming down his face. "GO! Before i'm out of shells." Shouted Joe as most of the walkers started heading towards him now. Chris grabbed his knife from the ground, sliding it back in it's sheath and ran back inside the truck as he started the engine and with a heavy heart drove off. Meanwhile Joe was down to his last shell as he pulled it out of his pocket, slided it inside the shotgun and racked the pump as he stopped moving around. "You ain't gonna get me suckers!" He said as he put the end of the shotgun's barrel in his mouth and pulled the trigger, blowing his brains out. In the meantime Chris's tears became more and more abundant and his eyes turning red as he was driving further and further away from the Walmart store. He heard the shooting stop and realised that it was over. Either his little brother became food for the walkers or he killed himself to prevent becoming one himself. Either way it didn't matter anymore. [color=1a7b30]"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!"[/color] Shouted Chris as he repeatedly punched the steering wheel. [b]Day 11 8:55 AM[/b] [color=1a7b30]"NOOOOOO!"[/color] Chris shouted as he woke up from his sleep. And started to look around, not knowing what's going on. He was in his room in the high school. He tried to get some sleep but didn't succeed. He had the same nightmare again. It was the 3rd time already. This was becoming a real problem for him. He got off from the lying position as he was now with his ass on the couch, wiping off the sweat that formed on his forehead. [color=1a7b30]"Shit! Can't even get some damn sleep anymore!"[/color] [@Wick]