[quote=@Stekkmen] [hider=Maverick] Name: Samantha Park (Maverick) Age: 18 Gender: F Appearance: An Asian woman with a thin but athletic build you might expect from a free-runner. Her nose is wide and flat and her dark-green mono-lid eyes are a little too small for her flat face. Her eyebrows arch towards her nose and her lips are curled down at the end, giving her a neutral face of looking peeved off. Her skin is naturally a sort of peachy color, but because of how much time she spends out of doors it has tanned to shade of olive. Her hair is dark-black, usually tied into a high bun. She wears an off-white tank-top with a dark blue hoodie layered over it. For mobility as she moves her bottom articles of clothing is a pair of sweatpants and some expensive looking running shoes. When she is doing criminal activity, she puts her hoodie up and places a black face-wrapping over the bottom half of her face. Personality: Extrovert, Confrontational, Emotional, Has-A-Moral-Code, Confident Powers/skills: Kinetikinesis Samantha is able to control the kinetic energy of objects she touches, as well as herself. This allows her to strengthen the power of her attacks, run faster, and manipulate her momentum. With this power, she can do things like jump in one direction, and then suddenly change course mid-flight. She can also use this skill to scale up walls and even do short term gliding. This also grants her the ability to throw objects much faster and with more control than normal. However, the more drastic of a change in kinetic energy, the more stamina it requires and she can be exhausted quickly if she does too many bizarre plays. She is also adept in free-running and parkour, as well as stealth and lock-picking. She has excellent hand-eye coordination, but this is not the result of any supernatural powers. She's just coordinated. Equipment: She carries an extendable baton that is easily portable. It extends out to a foot and a half, she can use it for a variety of things. She also has a handgun with a single extra clip she keeps on the inside of her hoodie in a hidden pocket. Other items include a miniature lock-picking kit, and a pocket with three metal ball bearings she can use as projectiles. Short Bio: Her early childhood was spent in a wealthy neighborhood, her father her only caretaker. Her father, Lo Park, was a quiet man on the straight and narrow, he'd never committed a crime in his life and he never would. He was also an older man, for Samantha was born very late into her parent's marriage. Complications resulted in the death of her mother, so Lo Park took care of Samantha by himself. Lo Park loved Samantha with everything he had, but unfortunately his child was a troublemaker, and was horrible to him. She was never built for the lavish life style, and hated every moment of her private-schooling. As time went on, he developed early onset Alzheimer's disease. Samantha neglected him for a short while as he began to become more and more unstable. She turned to a life of crime, doing petty thievery. Eventually, when her father forgot her name for the first time, something clicked inside Samantha. Her father was the only family she had, and she was going to take care of him as best as she could. Using her father's money, she hired a personal caretaker for her father. She felt terrible for being so ungrateful and spoiled to her father, but still, the life of crime called to her. She did it not for the money, but for the thrill. Everything else drove her crazy; in her mind she had no other option but illegal activity. When she was sixteen, she was pick pocketing people when she was intercepted by a young woman named Elizabeth. Elizabeth was her mentor, teaching her advanced techniques. Samantha was better than ever at her craft. Elizabeth challenged her to do something big. She was planning to rob a gas station, and could use a partner. Samantha accepted. During the heist, they ascended to the rooftops. That was when it all went wrong. She didn't know how it happened, but when Elizabeth went to lift her up to a higher roof, Samantha's leg shot downwards with an immense amount of force. She kicked Elizabeth in the head, her kinetic energy manipulation manifesting at the worst possible time. She killed her mentor with that blow. Terrified, young Samantha fled from the scene. It was a traumatizing moment. Still, life went on. She continued on her own, learning more and more about her newfound power. She began pulling more and more solo heists, getting grander and grander as she grasped the scope of her powers more and more. Eventually, she donned the alias Maverick. In between in all, she visits her sick father and his caretaker. She doesn't tell him of what she does, of course not. He may not remember that she said it, but she didn't want him to be disappointed in her. Samantha knew her lifestyle was foolish, but somehow it was too late. There was something deep inside her that kept her from going back. And then, she was contacted by The Presence. It would expose her identity, tell everyone that she was responsible behind the murder on the rooftops. It would destroy her father, force him into a retirement home. She had no choice to believe it. It knew everything about her somehow, she feared that it too could find a way to link her father into her actions. It couldn't happen. She wouldn't let it. Other: That's it. [/hider] [/quote] accepted. [quote=@Gentlemanvaultboy] [hider=Phone Freak] Name: Allison Bell (Phone Freak II) Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Short, pale, and slightly pudgy with short brown hair and green eyes. The type of girl people talk about when they say "but she has a great personality." A boring, average looking girl that probably would not be noticed. When forced to go out supervillaining she wears a long, dark blue coat covered in pockets, black gloves covered in metal plates on the outside and very thing material on the inside, and a metal helmet. The helmet covers her entire head and face and has a blue screen going right down the middle that glows. The effect is very Daft Punk. Intentionally so. Personality: Irate, high-strung, driven, dutiful, paranoid Powers/skills: Allison is a Technomancer, a wizard who uses technology as a medium through which to cast spells. Like all technomancers she can commune with technology to try and get it to do what she wants through a combination of appeasement and coercion, though she can't do so to things like engines because she "doesn't speak that dialect." She can commune with most things that "have wires" but is specialized in phones and phone lines. A few notable things she can do with a phone line are: 1). The most basic thing is the ability to scramble where your call came from, send your call bouncing all over the network until it becomes impossible to trace where it originated from. 2). Listen in to it to try and peel out information. When you say something into a phone it doesn't disappear when it comes out the other end, it stays in there. This doesn't even just apply to things people say into the phone either. Since phone lines were built to "carry information" even things people say near them can get sucked up in there and carried around the lines. You can even find where someone is so long as they're speaking near a live line. You have to know what you're looking for, though, otherwise you're just listening to random snippets and the white noise that everything left in the line eventually becomes. 3). Travel through them or trap people inside of them. Moving like this you can get anywhere the line connects in record time, but it's extremely dangerous and knowing your exact route is a must. She hates doing it. You could get stuck in a mire of white noise, get creamed by a call coming down the line, or eaten by a monster. Speaking of that last one... 4). Telefangs. Phone demons. Emotion left in the line that coalesced into a monster that lives there. Comes in positive and negative varieties. They try to piggyback out of the lines on similar emotions and into human bodies. If you've ever felt particularly good or terrible after a phone call that was one of them getting into you. They're harmless like that, but Allison can draw them out of the lines and bind them to her will. The monsters come in as many varieties as there are emotions, though the general rule is that the positive ones help and the negative ones hurt. Can only exist for long periods of time in the real word when Allison is on hand and puts forth effort to maintain them, otherwise they dissolve into noise and vanish within a few hours. There are other applications of phone magic, but these three things are what she's most skilled in. She is, however, a ritual caster. She can't just quickfire these spells willy nilly. It also goes without saying that she needs a phone line to be able to do any of these things. Equipment: Like most wizards she has a workshop hidden in the middle of nowhere where she works to perfect her craft. It's underground, filled with technical manuals, arcane grimoirs, parts, junk, and tools. Anything she needs to build and maintain her equipment. It's also where she lives. Her helmet (includes a voice changer). Her gloves (Actually powerful shock gloves she can turn on with a command.) Her Spellphone. A simple blue flip-phone with the number replaced with arcane symbols. After tireless effort she's managed to turn it into a portable magic tome capable of casting simple spells with a few dials. It includes a simple magic blast, a weak defensive shield capable of stopping anything up to a hale of small arms fire, and a longsword mode for close up offence. It also includes storage space for a single Telefang. It's held back the abysmal hour long battery life and being prohibitively expensive to produce. It had to be assembled basically from scratch, being carefully enchanted all the while. It is bleeding edge technonmacy, but a work in progress. Short Bio: Allison has most of her entire life on the run with her father, the original Phone Freak Archibald Bell, helping him commit crimes in order to fund their research. She never knew her mother or a normal childhood. As far as she knows she's been a supervillain for about as long as she could walk, taking a supporting role in robberies, scams, magical duels, and every sort of mercenary work you could imagine. Her father always treated her more as a student than a daughter, and as she got older treated her as a peer and colleague. All the money they won was channeled into the research, always striving toward that next big step. One day, Archibald left her behind. She was confused, until the power went off later that night. She got the news later that he'd set off to steal something from the hero Cyber Shaman, and the resulting duel scrambled communication throughout mainland North America for about four months. No one ever really learned what happened during that fight, Cyber Shaman certainly didn't brag about it, but Archibald never came back. He'd left her, alone, to continue the work. She'd inherited his research, his workshop, and his contacts. She was 12 years old. She'd been handling it pretty well by herself for the past four years, stealing what she needed, doing various jobs to fund her way of life, working on how to do with wireless signals what Archibald had taught her to do with landlines, and most importantly: keeping anonymous. Allison Bell was a ghost. The people who contacted her only knew Phone Freak. She'd completely divorced her villain persona from her actual person. It was all going swimmingly until the day she got that call. On her Spellphone. The one she'd just recently built. The one that didn't even have a listed number. And the voice on the other end used her name... [/hider] [/quote] accepted, but just know that she won't be able to trace or figure out any information about the Presence.