[hr][hr][center][h1][color=ff6600]Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway[/color][/h1][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/9c5ed8ba1b0be81634eb3ab637cb6006/tumblr_mk4j9lgxhU1rlivb8o1_500.gif[/img][hr]Location: Inside the Gym[/center][hr][hr][color=9e0039]"And maybe music girl needs to learn how to sing and play instruments"[/color] Tuesday's nostrils flared. Despite abandoning Riley in high school and hardly staying in contact with her, there was a primal need to defend a sibling. Only family had the great honor of being able to insult family. Tuesday got to insult Riley's music--not someone who probably dated Siri on his phone. [color=cyan]"Yeah and the Tech-Weed doesn't have a life other then his phone, go and play Pokémon Go or something while your over there!"[/color] Riley shouted. Tuesday chuckled at the comment, giving her sister a subtle high five. The more things changed, the more they stayed the same. They never really left high school, had they? "Would you two knock it the fuck off! We have three of our class mates dead and you two are bickering as if you are auditioning for who will get dubbed 'Biggest Emo'," the cop said, giving a pained look towards Tuesday. She awkwardly waved back, hating having his attention on her. She didn't trust cops, that was a given. But more so, she felt extremely paranoid whenever they'd smile at her. Back in prison, when a guard smiled at you, it wasn't your lucky day. "Thank you Tuesday, that should cover everything." She nodded, her eyes darting to the side as she rocked back and forth on her feet, attempting to make the time pass. Tim quickly explained, sticking his notes in his pocket. "Listen, do me a favor. Keep your sister close tonight and such. I think Cynthia is bunking with her. Three of you should be good together tonight. Might want to get out of here, I'm closing this place down until tomorrow." [color=ff6600]"Right I will...keep an eye on them,"[/color] Tuesday mumbled awkwardly, letting out a sigh of relief when Tim walked away. Of course, it did surprise her slightly that he had asked her to watch them. Hardly anyone trusted her with things like that anymore, assuming that she was going to flake and get high. It didn't matter how much she maintained that the drugs helped her to focus. They didn't listen to her anymore. [color=f26522]"Come on, come on. I can fill you in on the real dish. What real dish? You know, the dish! Oh the Hawaiian Dish? Yeah, that dish. With a side of Italian meatballs! Exactly, now that is a dish to talk about,"[/color] Cynthia prattled on and on, pulling Tuesday over towards Riley. She nodded, paying close attention to Cynthia, asking her for clarification and to repeat bits that she missed. She treated her as if she made perfect sense, hardly caring if Riley threw her any confused glances. [color=ff6600]"Well...That's certainly dramatic,"[/color] Tuesday mumbled, finally understanding about Kai and Ada. [color=ff6600]"Practically a soap opera."[/color] She smiled a bit, glancing around as people began to filter out of the gym. Recalling what Tim said, she turned back to face Cynthia and Riley. [color=ff6600]"How about we go get some sleep? I think they want us out of here."[/color]