Noah, before setting his eyes caringly on her, didn’t miss her bodily reactions. It was beginning to be cemented in him that his touches often drove Elann to do many things he usually didn’t expect. He called the first time he kissed her truly, how, if she weren’t standing, she would’ve practically melted under the touch of his lips. Needless to say now, he did enjoy her reactions to him and how she instilled a sense of power in him, almost like a puppeteer to their charges, though she was far from a puppet in his eyes. She affirmed to him that his thoughts on the plans were indeed romantic. He smiled slightly, involuntarily, having gotten the assumption right instead of wrong. There was a shifting change in Noah, a change brought on by the promise of going to Zeltiva and spurred on by their arrival. The change of scenery was refreshing, the drabness of Syliras no longer hanging over him and the constant reminders of grey walls and a love lost in his former bondmate no longer nudging at his mind. The words he had said to her in the past, when he did confess his love to her, were all promises that had yet to be fulfilled. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t devote himself to her in the way he wished, not then, but now in the coming time as they started this chapter in life together in Zeltiva. Noah’s hand rose from her next over to the back of her ear, the place where her Cheva mark resided and a place where she once said she enjoyed him to touch. He graced over it with the backs of his fingers gently, stopping to rub over her cheek with his thumb. He withdrew his hand from her, placing it on the bed on her other side then slowly pulling himself over her, using his legs to part hers and make room for himself between them. Hovering over her, he leaned down and placed a kiss upon her lips, a simple and fleeting peck. “I love you,” he whispered over her in Fratava. Inside his heart, his love and desire mingled with one another. It was still a slow flame, though not as dull as she may have once felt in their past. His words uttered in Fratava were said with intent, communicating what he held in feelings for her in that moment. Common, to him, was a very dull and nasally language. In Fratava he felt he could better express the emotions he felt so softly as Fratava called upon the deepness of his voice mixed with smooth words laced with sensuality. Where before she had seen him use the language just to translate phrases, here she was hearing it used with its real and very provocative intentions, and that alone could bolster the language when it was spoken with its intent and not just in translation.