[hider=Harpy][center][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m89kvqT6c21rxb5r4o1_500.png[/img] Name: Tereska Kowalczyk Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/59043056/original.gif[/img] Tereska stands at a short 5 foot 5 and has a thin physique. Her hair is long and naturally black and her eyes are an icy blue. Her style of clothing consists of band t-shirts and rather boyish clothes. Her transformed self is obviously very different. She grows to 5 foot 9, and her skin grows pale white, covered by feathers everywhere but her face and neck. A large red mark grows on her lips and nose, and her eyes change to the same colour. Her hair also changes to a bright white, with the ends dying to a blood red. Of course, she also grows more bird like, with large wings growing on the back of her arms. Personality: Hopeful, easily-angered, vindictive, merciful, adaptable Powers/skills: Tereska's most obvious power is her ability to change into a harpy. Her strength is increased in this form, and sharp talons grow on her hands and feet. She is also, of course, able to fly. She is also able to transform any percent of her into the harpy. For example, she could transform solely her arms or her hands into the harpy form, enabling her to use her wings or hands without fully transforming. Although this, of course, does not grant her the extra strength or speed boost she gains from the full form. Equipment: Tereska doesn't carry anything on her when doing villainous deeds. She loses her clothes and equipment when transformed so bringing anything seems just dumb. Short Bio: Tereska was born to a farming family just outside of Częstochowa, Poland. Her life was relatively normal up until the age of 13, which was when she developed her powers. They appeared while she was at school, and, of course, the horror of her transformation scared and alienated her classmates and even her teacher. After she returned she was made a mockery of, being teased day in and day out. This was, of course, what changed her from your average girl into a villain. She began picking off her classmates one by one. Eventually she was the only person left in the class and it didn't take a huge amount of investigation to determine that all of the corpses washing up with signs of large bird attacks were from her. She was to be sent to jail, she escaped of course and flew for new pastures. For America. There she made a name for herself as a villain, before being contacted by some strange electrical force and being assembled to a team. Other: -Will only transform when out of sight, she aint that kind of gal. [/center][/hider]