AND NO I DON'T MEAN TWILIGHT VAMPIRES. looking for someone to do somewhat of an intense roleplay. and by intense I mean I want it to be serious, suspenseful and action-y most of the time with occasional downtime. The plot I haven't quite worked out yet. something along the lines of two young adults. a male and a female. I'd play the female and I don't mind who plays the male. So I was thinking... and this is going to sound cliche but please bare with me. I was thinking something along these lines: -Two young kids grow up together and become close as in boyfriend girlfriend. OR -They grow up in the village together but barely know each other. OR -She grows up in the village not him and he comes to the village as a newcomer and they become close. All of the above end with him being Vampirized and them both being pulled into the underground world of Vampires. OR -He comes to the village after he is vampirized. and she is drawn to him like an moth to flame and is still dragged into the underground world of the Vampires. Where they are desperate to find a cure for him. All the while trying to keep her from becoming Vampirized herself. blah blah blah stuff like that. anyone wanna toss more ideas around like the above or add to anything from above? that'd be great n_n