[quote=@Ebil Bunny] [hider=Joe] [center][img]http://partycity3.scene7.com/is/image/PartyCity/_ml_p2p_pc_badge_tallest15?$_ml_p2p_pc_thumb_tallest15$&$product=PartyCity/P452215_full[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Joe [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Joe is a very chill guy, nothing really upsets him. Of course, even if it did, you wouldn't be able to tell from his facial expression. He speaks very smoothly in a classy accent-less accent, and always has a nice word for the ladies. He loves to go shopping for all kinds of things, whether it be icecream treats, big extravagant hats, or collector's addition superhero comics. But the money needs to come from somewhere, and getting a job is just too much work. [b]Powers/skills:[/b] Joe is a lesser demon who wasn't quite demonic enough to hang out with the big boy lesser demons, so he left hell and became an American citizen instead. He still has his deception demon powers, however. [i] - If Joe can cause a human to feel intense emotion of any kind, he gains dominion over them until he releases them, which he usually does right after they do the specific action he captured them for. He's very honorable like that. - Joe can change himself to look any way he wants, within the limits of it has to be human. He does not gain or lose any abilities, even though he can make himself look stronger/faster/etc. This extends to clothing as well. When not doing something that requires features, he usually takes the appearance of the picture above. - Joe can only be noticed by the people he wishes to be noticed by. This doesn't mean people can't see him, it just means they don't notice anything out of the ordinary if he changes his features in the middle of a busy town square.[/i] [b]Equipment:[/b] Only the random junk he gets on his shopping sprees. Nobody actually knows where he stores all that stuff. [b]Other:[/b] He loves a butter pecan icecream, despite not actually having a mouth to eat it.[/center][/hider] [/quote] My only problem with this is that he basically can control anyone who he makes feel intense emotions. That sounds like mind control and is a regularly rejected power in rps with superpowers