[color=EEE685][h2][center]Rin Takahashi[/center][/h2][/color] [indent]What Rin didn't know about being a rebel, was that a lot of it turned out to be waiting. You waited for intelligence reports, you waited for those in charge to decide to act on that intelligence, you waited for the opportune time to act and only then did the real action start. She wouldn't of minded as much as she did if it weren't for the looming sense of dread that hung over the waiting. Sure they were relativity well hidden, hiding out in some musty old tunnels which had found purpose once again after years of disuse. But the Confederation was constantly keeping pressure on them, and it only took one person to mess up until Confederation forces were swarming through the tunnels hunting you down one by one. So to keep the sense of dread at bay, Rin found ways to amuse herself in the downtime between missions mostly through training. Her father had pushed the training regimes upon her when she was younger, but she still found herself following them even now. Rin was in the middle of one such routine, when the younger Osuushi came barging through the door. The young Takahashi almost fell from her position mid-handstand pushup, as as it seemed the other girl had never learned the virtues of indoor voices or even common courtesy for that matter. Dropping herself into a sitting position she looked at the girl with a raised eyebrow as she smiled down at her. The smile had thrown Rin off as the two girls had never really talked before, and the grin suggested a familiarity beyond which she was accustomed to. All the way that she was in the room Rin could feel the small horned girl eyes analyzing her. The girl made a partail comment about Rin's chest or lack of it, but caught herself with limited grace before spurting out something about a meeting and charging out of the room. "[color=EEE685]Wait who are you calling small-[/color]" Rin started but by the time she had launched herself to her feet, the girl had already vanished down the hallway. [color=EEE685][i]Fast little gremlin[/i][/color] Rin thought to herself as she stepped back into her room and shut the door behind her. Just a little bit annoyed the girl began to finish the rest of her routine with a renewed energy, as she tried her best to not let the horned one get to her. As she did so, she thought of the main purpose for the interruption, a meeting of some sort which usually meant another mission was coming up very soon. Which taking in account of events in close time frame and the commander's speech the day prior, she would have to guess that they were going to go disrupt the annual Hamajo-day celebrations. A ballsy move but if pulled off correctly it could deal a great blow to the morale of the Confederation. In Sunagakure Hamajo-day wasn't that big of a deal, as Suna sort of just operated on its own anyway. But she knew in areas like Amegakure it was the biggest damn event of the whole year. Well whatever the commander had planned, Rin wouldn't find out unless she actually got to the meeting on time. So she quickly changed out of her PT gear and made her way out of the room and into the tunnels beyond. When she had first joined up with the Jyutai, the tunnels had seemed alien to her, harboring long forgotten secrets from time since lost. She worried about getting lost in their rough uniformity, the only indicator of direction were the numbers on the doors descending on the left and ascending on the right. She had never learned to like the tunnels per say as they were still too cold and damp for her liking, but she had gotten used to them none the less and found her way easily enough to room 8B. She made her way into the room with the later half of the stragglers and found herself a chair near the center of the room, not too far towards the front and too far towards the back. Some of the faces she recognized such as the commander and the little gremlin but most of the others were just faces that she might of seen before but never had the time nor need to learn actual names. They all seemed fairly competent in themselves though. Just gauging faces alone they all seemed to hover around her age except for one older woman that seemed old even older than the Commander. She examined the others, eyes finding their way from one to another stopping on the young Osuushi for a fraction longer than the rest and if looks could kill the horned girl's heart probably would of seized up right there. Eventually introductions began and she listened as the others began to introduce themselves. The one called Takashi was loud and kind of obnoxious in the [i]'I just want to sparkle'[/i] kind of way, but at least his heart seemed to be in the right place. Next was the older women Tsukiko she reminding Rin much of Kohaku which meant either that she was more full of herself than Takashi or she was very good at what she did. Judging by the way that the older woman carried herself Rin figured the latter. Nobody else seemed to jump up to the plate so Rin spoke up next. "[color=EEE685]Rin Takahashi, Sunagakure. I'm pretty good at hitting things I guess.[/color]" She explained with a small wave before she slid back down into her seat. [color=EEE685][i]Well that could of gone better.[/i][/color] [/indent]