[center][h1][b]OC Characters[/b][/h1][/center] [hider=Night Rose] [hider=Night Rose & Crescent Rose] [img]http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/136/602/2ed.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24]"In Peace, vigilance. In War, Victory. In Death, Sacrifice."[/color] [/hider] [color=ed1c24]Code Name:[/color] Night Rose [color=ed1c24]Real Name:[/color] Sun-mi Bae [color=ed1c24]Age: [/color] 21 [color=ed1c24]Race: [/color] Human [color=ed1c24]Nationality:[/color] Korean [color=ed1c24]Personality:[/color] Sun-mi is a caring and protective young woman who cares deeply for the well being of those around her and their mental and physical health. Night Rose is self Confidant and straight forward who acts as a sort of blood knight who wants nothing more then to see her enemies beaten and defeated within reason. These two extremes exist due to the fact that she was once a world famous gamer who needed to act strong and tough so the meta gaming and the MLG community wouldn't consume her with her having a soft and kind personality but Night Rose attitude proves to be useful when the Meka pilot programs started up and she needed to aim her aggression on a tangible and dangerous target. But once the dust settled and the first of the Meka pilots died, Sun-mi has to endure emotional and physical trauma at the realization that being a war hero wasn't a game, but she kept a brave face so she and the other Meka pilots can protect South Korea and the rest of the world with their skills. But many of them are still children and her nightmares late at night and alone often remind Sun-mi of this brutal reality. [color=ed1c24]Physical Appearance:[/color] Sun-mi stands at a short 5'6" and has a slender yet strong form from her years of training and riding the Meka. She has black hair with red streaks in it and she has silver eyes. [color=ed1c24]Affiliations: [/color] Mobile Exo-Force Overwatch [color=ed1c24]Brief History:[/color] Sun-mi was born to a pair of small business owners in Seoul. Her parents owned a small flower shop that would later influence her code name and motif. From a young Sun-mi showed proficiency in gymnastics and Gaming, partially Star Craft to the point where she became a professional gamer at the tender age of 15, due to the high stakes and demands of the MLG scene Sun-mi had to toughen up and use a code name to hide her softness from her enemies, She picked Night Rose and even dyed parts of her hair red so she could look tough and rebellious which she wasn't but she slowly grew into the guise on screen and interviews. For a time she was one of the top player in the MLG scene beating many world renowned gamers who were there much longer and had more experience when it looks like she would become the top player in the world, it was taken away from her by a young hotshot Named D.va. At first Night Rose was bitter and angry at her constant defeat by D.va but eventually Night Rose calmed down and just enjoyed her spot near the top as she second in the world which was still incredible. But her life in second place would be shaken as joined the Mobil EXO-Force when they needed skilled gamers to help defend South Korea and eastern seas from rampaging Omnics. At first Night Rose seen it as a game like many others within the force but when Meka pilots started to die or get horrifically injured Sun-mi realized the severity of the Meka's duties. Some within the Meka force still believed the whole thing to be a game but Sun-mi did her best to protect the other pilots and help the other pilots though emotional and mental trauma so much so she even started to study physiology on her off time to further help her allies. But one person can only do so much and she is slowly becoming consumed by the solider's lifestyle and she simply wants to go back to a life of gaming. [color=ed1c24]Combat Role: [/color] Tank [color=ed1c24]Sub-class: [/color] Offensive Tank [color=ed1c24]Abilities:[/color] [color=ed1c24]NIGHTSHADE:[/color] Night Rose charges forward with her Meka's jet while activating a plasma shield that both blocks incoming fire and hurts targets on contact when she rams into them for decent damage and knock back. 12 second cooldown [color=ed1c24]DANDELION:[/color] Night Rose with a few presses of a button can activate a small barrage of missiles that deal high damage and knock back in a concentrated target but otherwise only does decent damage per missile but they cause knock back. 8 second cooldown [color=ed1c24]RAFFLESIA:[/color] NIGHTROSE ONLY If Night Rose Finds herself without her Meka she can use her duel pistols to shoot a weak but high knock back laser to launch any enemies aiming to kill her when she's mekaless but he has to be careful as it also sends herself reeling from the blast. 5 second Cooldown [color=ed1c24]FUSION LASERS:[/color] Crescent Rose is equipped with a pair of powerful rotating lasers that shoots out a single but precise laser from each arm, each of which takes a few seconds to reach full power and range. No Reloading. [color=ed1c24]ROSE THORNS:[/color] A pair of laser pistols that are relatively weak but fast in burst shots. 10 shots each in each gun. [color=ed1c24]Retreat:[/color] (Passive) When ever Crescent rose gets heavily damage Night Rose can abandon the Meka and fight on foot [color=ed1c24]HYPER BEAM:[/color] (Ultimate) Night Rose can uses both the Meka's main and emergency power reserves to launch an incredibly power laser that can go though walls and terrain but the meka becomes useless after the attack and Night Rose must eject from the Meka to continue fighting, the Meka stays on the battlefield until either Night Rose recalls another Meka or it gets destroyed by gun fire, which makes its a good temporary cover. [color=ed1c24]Strengths: [/color] Night Rose is a more offensively powerful D.va, she has better range and DpS than D.va she is also incredibly good on maps with lots of pitfalls as all of her abilities can cause knock back. She is also good at scattering teams with all her abilities and her ultimate. She can also create temporary cover with her ultimate which can be good for pushes when the enemy team is scattered. [color=ed1c24]Weaknesses:[/color] But she is defensively weak for a tank as she has slightly less health then D.va and she doesn't have a shield ability like her. She also has a larger hit box than D.va and is easier to hit when not in flight which on that topic also has slightly less range then D.va's. Her main weapons also need a bit of charge up time to have the range and power to be useful. [/hider] [hider=Artificer] [hider=Artificer] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9a/f4/61/9af461ed60631dc6cb56ef548cdc49e0.jpg[/img] [color=a36209]"One bullet to Embrace Eternity, One Bullet to Embrace Mortality."[/color] [/hider] [color=a36209]Code Name:[/color] Artificer [color=a36209]Real Name:[/color] Art Caldwell [color=a36209]Age:[/color] 39 [color=a36209]Race:[/color] Human [color=a36209]Nationality:[/color] Canadian [color=a36209]Personality:[/color] Art is a seemingly serious and calm man who has a commanding presence, making him a natural leader adapt at calmly commanding a team. But in reality Art is quite sensitive and kind, feeling hurt whenever his allies or his subordinates get hurt, making him quite emphatic and caring if at times softhearted when it comes to his allies and friends but to his enemies he can be seen as ruthless and cold as he doesn't care who he has to kill or hurt to protect the lives of his allies or of the innocent people caught in the crossfire. He is also quite smart and tactical, making plans to avoid the least amount of bloodshed and injury on his side, but with a team he tends to focus too much on avoiding injury then winning a fight, but by himself he is reckless and foolhardy as he will kill each and every enemy in his way to victory without any care for his personal safety. Art is proud about his role in Overwatch, he proudly remarks saying his Overwatch days was when he did the most use to the world and felt like he made his parents proud by saving many good lives and ending many bad ones with his Debilitating nanotechnology. Art also has a love for puns and word plays to offshoot his more serious and dour side. [color=a36209]Physical Appearance:[/color] Art is a male standing at 6'3" with a strong fit build. He has brown skin and dark brown hair and stubble and dark brown almost black eyes. He has tattoos going down his arms. [color=a36209]Affiliations: [/color] Overwatch [color=a36209]Brief History:[/color] Art was born in Toronto, Canada to a pair of military soldiers. Art's mother was a Sniper and his father was a On field Medic. Both joined Overwatch when it was first formed, both were well known units on the front lines for their skills. Art 's father saved many lives during the Omnic crisis and his mother had one of the highest numbers of confirmed Sniper kills in Overwatch rivaling Ana Amari herself. one of the few memories Art has with his parents was his father teaching him First Aid and his mother teaching him to aim a sniper rifle both skills he would carry with him into his adulthood. a few years before Art joined overwatch his parents retired early due to severe injuries after a sting operation went astray, leaving his mother in a Coma and his father with memory problems. Both couldn't take care of him as he was still in highschool when this happen. He was temporary placed into foster care for a few years where he vowed to become a surgeon so he could save people like his parents from their injuries. Art joined the Canadian Army at a young age so he could become a skilled medic/on field surgeon. In a few short years he made a name for himself in the army that Overwatch wanted him to join their medical branch and become one of the group's field medics. On the battlefield he was skilled Sniper and Medic. But off he was a skilled biotictechnology expert, alongside Mercy, or Angela Ziegler off the battlefield. The two were always at odds. Mercy believed the Biotic technology were best used off to cure illnesses and severe injuries and not for war tactics while Art believed they were best used on the battlefield so soldiers can keep fighting and enemies can be beaten faster so there is less bloodshed overall by weaponize Biotic technology. But the two rarely interacted with each other when not mandatory so there was never any huge argument between the two. But Art role in creating Debilitating biotic technology helped in the way of warfare but was still in it's experimental stages. But his Biotic technology was disclosed and outlawed when Overwatch fell though. Which left Art in a rather precarious situation, for a time Art was jobless as his reputation as an overwatch operative and a user of an outlawed technology made it hard for him to get a job since the people didn't want to place trust into a person with his particular set of skills. But after a year he decided to make a living as a vigilante, using his outlawed biotic technology to kill and or incapacitate dangerous criminals and terrorist as well as healing the sick and injured he met on his path to improve the world. He did this for the remaining years Overwatch was dissolved until he got a message from Winston that Overwatch was being recalled and reformed which he gladly joined as his life as a Vigilante was becoming hollow and meaningless without a higher calling to look for. [color=a36209]Combat Role:[/color] Support [color=a36209]Sub-class:[/color] Sniper/Healer [color=a36209]Abilities:[/color] [color=a36209]Bleeding Shot:[/color] Art fires a bullet that bleeds out the target preventing them from healing for 10 seconds. 7 second cooldown [color=a36209]Healing Round:[/color] Art shoots a bullet that when it hits a wall or a target it heals surrounding allies by emitting a biotic field which pulses out 50 health per second and last for 8 seconds. 9 second cooldown [color=a36209]Draining Shot:[/color] Art shoots a bullet that slowly drains the health of a hero that it hits and it also tags their location to the rest of the ally team to see. 12 second cooldown. [color=a36209]Protorifle:[/color] A Prototype rifle that shoots experimental healing and debilitating Biotic rounds. Has 10 rounds before reloading. [color=a36209]Wall Climb:[/color] (Passive) Works the same as Hanzo's wall climb [color=a0410d]Enigma Fog (Ultimate):[/color] Art fires a round that when it hits an area or hero it will let out a huge biotic fog that heals allies for 25 health per second and harm foes for 5 health per second. [color=a36209]Strengths:[/color] Art is a good ranged healer and debilitator using his many abilities to weaken foes and heal allies from a far. His rifle does decent damage when it hits enemies heroes and his ultimate can be very good for objective pushes or to destroy turrets. [color=a36209]Weaknesses:[/color] Art is horrible at close range combat and has no get away plan when an enemy hero finds his hiding spot. All his abilities have somewhat long cool downs so he can't heal allies as rapidly as some others. [/hider] [hr][hr] [center][h1][b]Canon Characters[/b][/h1][/center] [hider=Bastion] [hider=Bastion] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/fb545f25bb7807a2ce5bcbb796d31777/tumblr_o8qg1oWwZ21rz3qnno2_r1_1280.gif[/img] [color=007236]"Beep Boop, bzzt! Bop!"[/color] [/hider] [color=007236]Code Name: [/color] Bastion [color=007236]Real Name:[/color] SST Laboratories Siege Automaton E54 [color=007236]Age:[/color] 30 [color=007236]Race:[/color] Omnic [color=007236]Nationality:[/color] Unknown [color=007236]Personality:[/color] Bastion is a curious little robot with a deep love and curiosity for nature and all it's trappings. Bastion is normally very gentle-even harmless to most animals and people who don't aim weapons at him, but it's still a killing machine and when the unit detects danger its core programming will kick into overdrive and it will utilize it's entire arsenal to eliminate the threat. this has led to it getting into instances of conflict with the few humans it has encounter, which driven to avoid populated areas in favor of the wild, uncharted regions of the world. But when it comes to contact with humans and other Omnics willingly it is very gentle and even tries to talk to humans with beeps and boops which they will never understand, Bastion appears to have a good sense of right and wrong as its never attacks humans that are on its side, and its seems to understand humans more then people would like to believe. Its rather emphatic and good at reading people and their voice tones, how it does this nobody knows. Bit weirdly enough Bastion has a snarky sense of humor when on the battlefield, which seems to be a left over of his core combat programming, but only omnic can translate his beeps and boops so it goes entirely over the heads of humans and other organic life. He also he always has a bird companion around that people call Ganymede. [color=007236]Physical Appearance:[/color] Bastion looks like your average SST Laboratories Siege Automaton with the exception of having several scrapes, dents and rust from his long years of inactivity. Bastion stands at 7'3" and weighs a literal ton. [color=007236]Affiliations: [/color] None [color=007236]Brief History:[/color] Originally created for peacekeeping purposes, Bastion robot units possessed the unique ability to rapidly reconfigure themselves into an assault-cannon mode. But during the Omnic Crisis, they were turned against their human makers, forming the bulk of the omnics' rebel army. Following the resolution of the crisis, nearly all of them were destroyed or disassembled. To this day, Bastion units still symbolize the horrors of the conflict. One unique Bastion unit, severely damaged in the final battles of the war, was left forgotten for over a decade. It lay dormant, exposed to the elements and rusting while nature slowly reclaimed it. Overgrown with vines and roots and nested upon by small animals, the robot sat inert, seemingly unaware of the passing of time. That was until one fateful day, when it unexpectedly reactivated. With its combat programming all but lost, it instead displayed an intense curiosity about the natural world and its inhabitants. This inquisitive Bastion unit set out to explore its surroundings and discover its purpose on a war-ravaged planet. [color=007236]Combat Role:[/color] Defense [color=007236]Sub-class: [/color] Defender [color=007236]Abilities:[/color] [color=007236]RECONFIGURE:[/color] Bastion transforms between its two primary combat modes to adapt to battlefield conditions. [color=007236]SELF-REPAIR:[/color] Bastion restores its health; it cannot move or fire weapons while the repair process is in effect. [color=007236]Configuration - Recon:[/color] Configuration: Recon is Bastion's basic configuration, allowing it to move freely and fire a submachine gun to deal reasonable damage. [color=007236]Configuration: Sentry:[/color] Configuration: Sentry is Bastion's stationary configuration, transforming it into a fixed position powerhouse, capable of dealing strong damage within the area. [color=007236]Reconfigure:[/color] Bastion transforms between its two primary combat modes to adapt to battlefield conditions. [color=007236]Configuration: Tank:[/color] Bastion transforms into a tank for several seconds, replacing its weapon with a cannon that fires explosive projectiles and gaining increased maximum health for the duration. On activation, Bastion also gains armor equal to its max health increase. [color=007236]Strengths:[/color] Bastion is has high DPS which means he can shred though many heroes like wet paper towel, he also has good durability with his self repair ability and his ultimate gives him a good boost in defense and health and higher weapon damage for lower attack speed which makes it good for Pushes. [color=007236]Weaknesses:[/color] Bastion is a highly stationary target as his sentry form will not allow him to move as well as his self repair ability making him unable to attack or move. Also Bastion is incredibly weak to flanking and sneak attacks. [/hider] [hider=Mei-Ling Zhou] [hider=Mei] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/21d56e95f4a751d9b917d01ec6ce51bf/tumblr_o78ws5nDU81rs7tito1_1280.png[/img] [color=6ecff6]"Our World Is Worth Fighting for!"[/color] [/hider] [color=6ecff6]Code Name:[/color] Mei [color=6ecff6]Real Name: [/color] Mei-Ling Zhou [color=6ecff6]Age: [/color] 31 [color=6ecff6]Race: [/color] Human [color=6ecff6]Nationality:[/color] Chinese [color=6ecff6]Personality:[/color] Mei-Ling Zhou despite what she has been though, is very kindhearted and positive, showing compassion for others and having a desire to preserve earth's ecosystem for generations to come. Mei is an optimist though and though, believing the world can still be saved and that her friends death won't be for vain. But in secret she suffers from minor survivor's guilt wondering why she's the only one to survive the cyrostasis, but she hides its well from others. Mei is an apologetic person, apologizing even while freezing or killing enemies, but she also apologizes for accidents and failing people. She is also an extraordinary climatologist and is often seen writing down notes on the statuses of the weather and temperature as well as comparing them to weather back in her time. [color=6ecff6]Physical Appearance:[/color] mei is short at (5'3") and has a chubby frame but that doesn't stop her from being active on the battlefield and keeping up with super soldiers. she has brown hair tied up into a bun with a decorative needle though it and thick rimmed glasses in front of her brown eyes. Mei is always seen wearing heavy winter clothes and boots even in places where its far to hot to wear it comfortably. [color=6ecff6]Affiliations: [/color] Overwatch, Formally and currently [color=6ecff6]Brief History:[/color] Mei is a scientist who has taken the fight to preserve the environment into her own hands.[1] She specializes in the study of abnormal climate phenomena and their effects on different ecosystems around the world. She strongly believes in preserving the world for future generations. hough many blamed the planet's escalating, unexplained climate phenomena on the advent of new technologies, the rapidly growing omnic population, and drastically increased consumption of resources, the true cause remained unknown. To find a solution, Overwatch established a series of eco-Watchpoints at remote, critical locations worldwide. Mei-Ling Zhou was a member of this multi-year initiative. A peerless climatologist, she had introduced cutting-edge innovations in the field of climate manipulation that protected at-risk areas in Asia and beyond. She was assigned to the program's monitoring station at Watchpoint: Antarctica when disaster struck: a sudden, catastrophic polar storm battered the installation and cut it off from the outside world, leaving the facility damaged and the scientists stranded. As their supplies dwindled, they entered cryostasis in a last-ditch effort to survive until a rescue attempt could be made. But that rescue never came. It was years later when the team's cryogenics chamber was finally discovered. Mei, still in hibernation, was the only survivor. Physically, she hadn't aged a day, but the world Mei awoke to had gone through considerable changes: Overwatch was no more, the serious climate issues had worsened, and none of the eco-watchpoints were in operation. Any clues that they had uncovered were lost. Mei decided to continue her work on her own. Equipped with a portable version of her climate-manipulation technology, she traveled around the world, hoping to re-establish the eco-network and track down the causes of the threats to the planet's ecosystem [color=6ecff6]Combat Role: [/color] Defense [color=6ecff6]Sub-class: [/color] Annoyer/Builder [color=6ecff6]Abilities:[/color] [color=6ecff6]Cryo-Freeze:[/color] Mei instantly surrounds herself with a block of thick ice. She heals and ignores damage while encased, but cannot move or use abilities. [color=6ecff6]Ice Wall:[/color] Mei generates an enormous ice wall that obstructs lines of sight, stops movement, and blocks attacks. [color=6ecff6]Endothermic Blaster:[/color] Mei’s blaster unleashes a concentrated, short-range stream of frost that damages, slows, and ultimately freezes enemies in place. [color=6ecff6]Icicle:[/color] Mei can also use her blaster to shoot icicle-like projectiles at medium range. [color=6ecff6]Blizzard:[/color] Mei deploys a weather-modification drone that emits gusts of wind and snow in a wide area. Enemies caught in the blizzard are slowed and take damage; those who linger too long are frozen solid. [color=6ecff6]Strengths:[/color] Mei is an excellent close to mid range hero, able to freeze targets solids and making them easy targets for herself and allies to pick off, she is also good at blocking powerful ranges attacks and sentries with her ice wall and healing off damage with her Cyro-freeze giving her good bulk. [color=6ecff6]Weaknesses:[/color] Mei is weak to ranged attackers like snipers, and she also has a tough time dealing with high speed characters like Lucio and Tracer because it hard her to keep a consistent shot at them to freeze them. She is also weak to powerful close range combatants like Reaper since he can kill her faster then she can freeze him. [/hider]