Their bond was engulfed for the first time in a long while with their mutual passion and broiling love. Elann had drawn him into her with her anticipation. It was a slow thing at first as both of them became acclimated to feelings and sensations they hadn’t felt in a while with one another. He let her guide him and he was attentive to her silent direction. He didn’t let his mind slip away from the moment, aiming to please her as if apologetic for any harm he may have caused in the past. As soon as their actions began to evoke vocal reactions he had covered her mouth first, whispering for her to remain quiet throughout. With three wolves just outside of the stone walls and the thick door, he was unsure just how attentive they were to the going-ons in the house, in that room. While he knew his family would care little about him lying with his bondmate and wife, he wanted to retain any privacy they may have had in the heated moment. The hot thing continued with dancing shadows in orange candlelight, fires flickering in reflection to what Noah felt inside himself both emotionally and physically. There was a great deal of control in him throughout their engagement, something that was egged on and maintained by Elann’s thorough enjoyment of him and him of her. It went on until it was done, the succinct expression of their finishing followed by the slow decline that left him near breathless and her apparently lifeless beneath him. Noah took a breath but remained where he was. At some point he had cast the blankets off of them, wanting to see her fully without obstruction. There was something about her bare body that spoke of trueness to him, how it was unhidden by the lies of clothing and allowed them to be together, skin to skin. He leaned down and placed a soft kisses on her collarbone, seeking to breathe life back into her as his breath furled hotly from him onto her skin. A playful nip of a bite was done onto where the bone poked against her skin. His hand sought for her, entangling their fingers in a palm-touching grasp. He hummed sweetly, nudging her chin with his head for her to essentially awaken. Regardless of if she did or not, he went for her ear, nipping at the lobe before whispering her name sing-song-like.