Throughout the exchange of ideas, Laila took the time to examine her left hand while she listened to the others. She sighed silently at the holes she’d stabbed into the supple leather where her two missing fingers should have been as she rolled the proposed mission plans around in her head. Most of the others seemed to favor helping the Lord and taking the bandits head on. She wasn’t a huge fan of that. In fact, she wasn’t a huge proponent of fighting [i]anybody[/i] who had the advantage. She preferred to manipulate the situation until she had the upper hand. Smart rogues always lasted longer than the strong ones. “Or,” Laila said stretching out her legs under the table nonchalantly. “We could soften up their ranks before we… run at them." She didn't seem pleased at the prospect of running at a fortified position with about a dozen men. "I know of a man in the tent city that makes a lovely poison. It’s mostly non lethal and difficult to detect, but it takes about four to six hours to take effect and has,” she paused and looked up towards the sky, seemingly searching for the correct common word to use, “...explosive… results.” Her lazy smile turned a bit wicked. “If we sneak someone in and put in their morning meal, they would most likely still split their forces before the poison began working. We wait until they are sick and then strike,” she shrugged a little and then added, “If your lord and his men cannot defeat a weak enemy as such, well, there’s only so much hand holding one his station should have. And if we're attacking these bandits for your large friend's vengeance,” she added to the captain, "then why don't we make them suffer a bit for their trouble, yes?" Laila, having said her piece, straightened in her chair slightly and softened the hard light caste about her kohl lined eyes. “My name is Laila,” she said like she hadn't just been talking about poisoning men and then slaughtering them. Her right hand moved up to her heart and she nodded her head at the lot before her, though it seemed more like an inbred, compulsive cultural norm than a sincere gesture. “And I am an unguilded rogue.”