Noah's attentions, as simple as they were, nipping at her bare collarbone, sent great physical reaction through her body. It was as though her skin was ignited by sensitivity and he had just flicked it hard. She did not come back to him at his beckoning, instead remaining with eyes closed and hand slowly moving from her covered mouth down to her breasts to lie in between them. He sought out her hand, and it was only upon snagging it from her chest and wrapping his hand intertwined in hers did she seem to rouse slightly. Her eyes cracked open to look up at him and she hummed happily at his neck nudgings. It wasn't until he nipped at her ear did she seem to come back even more. Her body shifted, wrapping around his with her legs and pulling her head away from his to show she was alert. With breath still very ragged, she voiced in a sultry fashion, "You want something?" A little huff of exhaustion came from her as she pushed the gaspy breath away from her and normalized. Her attentions with him were far from finished and she showed him as much with her free hand. She too felt like his emotions, his actions, and his way with her was an apology. Even the way he had taken off her robe, even casting aside the blanket, it was as if he wanted to view her body and even desire it fully. The thoughts still ran through her head, and while feeling incapable of moving much in the moment, her passion and desire for him had not left her. She had been wrong in assuming in the past that he found her attractive, but she had hope that the more he sought her romantically, the more he would come to desire her, her mind, and even her body throughout the day in the way they had just shared. Her womanly attentions to him would hopefully draw him to be willing once more to continue their activities, though she still lay there mostly unmoving. "Sit on the edge of the bed. I want to try something..." she asked of him in the same vocal fashion. If he moved, the released pressure of her freed hips would give her a momentary bit of comfort and she felt as though she could move once more. Curling, which felt amazing in that moment, she rolled off the side of the bed and sat up next to him. Slowly she would stand, feeling a bit of pain in her and holding her hips to release some of it. A smile then was given to him to show she was fine and she drew to sit upon him. Her desire was clearly shown there on the side of the bed as the vision of what could have happened in the tub became reality.