[quote=@Jbcool] [@POOHEAD189][@Andromedai][@eloraczyr][@vietmyke][@Eru Iluvatar] Right, so, here's what I got as a tentative idea; It is the middle of the War of the Ring, the war is ebbing back and forth like the ocean tides, this is when our group (together or not) is approached by an elderly gentleman at least [i]claiming[/i] to be a wizard - probably sounding familiar so far... - what he is proposing is a journey, although more of a quest, into the Eastern expanses of Middle-Earth (we may go through the North to avoid the worst of the conflict, or take boat from Harad/Umbar, I'm not entirely sure yet). What he wants from the East, or what your required to do there, he will not openly say although he offers advice, and payment for a job well done, but what you can assume is that it is a person or persons he is after rather than an item. He is also rather vague on the identity of what he refers to as 'the knowledge', and keeps pretty silent on the entire subject. The beginning of the quest in laid out before you, but where it will end cannot be seen. Bravery guts and determination will be needed to succeed, do you have them? [i]Fini.[/i] So, questions, thoughts and so on? [/quote] Sounds good to me.