[quote=@The Kid Lantern] Because instead of Young Avengers or New Warriors... the Champions are the new teen superteam in the Marvel U.? You could potentially have a home for Hulkling. Now that I thought about it though I suppose Tony could be a part of the team as well. I was just thinking any random team full of teen superheroes in the Marvel U. has the potential to be interesting with the right set up. This new take on the Champions reminds me of the New Warriors in the Ultimate Spiderman cartoon. The only New Warrior that was shown in that series was a pic of Speedball, not even sure he showed up in the series aside from that. The team had the likes of Squirrel Girl, Triton [from the Inhumans], Cloak & Dagger, Ka-Zar, etc. In the Champions the only characters that have any connection are Miles/Spidey, Kamala/Ms. Marvel, and Sam/Nova because of their brief time as All New All Different Avengers. Cyclops' involvement came outta left field, as did Amadeus/Hulk, and the inclusion of Vision's daughter Viv was brilliant. My biggest problem right now is I have no idea which teen hero I'd wanna reimagine for this, or what cannon character I could recreate as a teen. Sleepwalker came to mind, Ricochet and Prodigy [from the Slingers/Spiderman] were both favorites, Cannonball, Nova, still tossing ideas around... ~KL~ [/quote] Well Hulkling has a home with Ms America's Young Avengers squad. Which Wiccan and Speed will later join most likely as NPCs at this point. So Champions aren't really a thing. If I had to say one I think you'd be good with, Sam Alexander Nova and Cannonball are two I like personally. Course I do genuinely think Speedball could be interesting for you because I've never seen you really make a comic relief character before. As for Iron Man, we'll see with Avengers since that's still going on (RIGHT [@Sep]?!)... Also I make this AMAZING zinger... [quote=@DrewVonAwesome] I mean... without giving too much away, Hawkeye [u]DID[/u] give him plenty to think about. [/quote] and no one says anything?! Screw all y'all! You don't get to enjoy my brilliance anymore!