[@Kael] Zaldana looked at the young elf before they headed off. She smirked at his amazement of her flying friend and with some pride, spoke up "Nope....well...you could ride it with me since it's big enough but Ruby is not too fond of others riding her instead of me. I don't want her attacking you. But I'm going to take to the air and check things out... [@BKburke][@olcharlieboi] After setting off with the lumberjack and being shown the passage, Ruby took to the air, circling the forest which the thick fog covered. Zaldana had Ruby get to a lower altitude to get a better look and noticed something moving, something huge to which by the stretching the snake did and the realization what they were dealing with along with robed mage guy confronting the creature, Zaldana called out "Robe Mage guy! don't underestimate that thing...it's huge and more than likely a hell of a fighter!......Roby...get lower!" Zaldana prepared her spear and shield but Ruby did not want to get closer, feeling the chilling presence of the snake's stare. "Ruby!?" Zaldana called as it squawked. "Look I know it's a bit scary but I'll protect you buddy....we have allies!" Zaldana was trying to think of a strategy of how they could cover and strike the creature but she simply observed for the time being to see what the robed mage and snake would do. "If push comes to shove, I'll call wooper." Ruby noticed another individual that showed up to the forest.