(Post in Progress) We can go anywhere with the plots below--any genre, theme, pairing, or anything. Throw it at me. Or maybe you have some plots in mind--also throw them at me! We could also use plot/characters/setting/etc generators for some of the plots, too. Let's just get out of the box more, you know? Imagine a story where a young boy plays a VR MMO with his disabled grandma to get her active again. Badass. [hider=Spontaneity (in progress)] *[[i]COMPLETELY SPONTANEOUS[/i]] We'll use a random plot generator. We'll use random character generators and generators for setting/plot/etc. We'll make it work. Be ready to stretch your creative muscles! Some of my favorites are http://bit.ly/1x8z4fO and http://bit.ly/29HLaYv. Examples of prompts: - He's a caffeine-addicted podcast host with a bad attitude; she's an overweight miner with a mysterious past. Together, they must win a radio-show contest while constantly bickering. - He's a slovenly millionaire with blue eyes; she's a sarcastic gallery owner with a love of fine wine. Together, they must fight the undead in the late 1990s. Try it out. Let's take one and go! [[i]AMERICAN ROAD TRIP[/i]] Both of our characters are on an cross country road trip. Perhaps one of our characters is picked up along for the ride of someone who's running away. We can take it wherever we want to. I can see it as a casual, light hearted thing with mini-plots abound (could include supernatural themes, or could not)! [[i]IT'S LIKE WE'RE IN A MOVIE[/i]] Our characters students/coworkers/etc that have really lame-ass powers in a world where very few people have any super capabilities. They don't even realize we have powers because they're so lame. They get involved in a an incident that reveals to them the true nature of their powers and introduces them to a world they've always been privileged to without knowing. lol you're going to have to plot scribble with me on this. [[i]DRUNKEN HEROES[/i]] Fantasy. Could be Medieval or Modern. Our characters get drunk and break into guarded dragon tower. Or a hidden underground dungeon. Or into a secret larger than themselves, and have to rise to the occasion. that's all i have now bc im in a rush! will update later. [/hider] I love to write non-standard characters, so not just young, good looking, straight people. Let's play around with multiple characters! I'd also prefer longer responses, but am not a strict about it. Quality and effort matters more. It's summer, so I'll respond more often, but maybe not every day--that's the uncertainty part, but I'll communicate clearly, and expect the same. Alright, that's it for now. Let me know if you want to create something together!