Elann pressed his hands to her body, gesturing for them to rove around. As previously told, her chest and hips were the points where he would find massive surges of enjoyment coming from her, but for the most part, she was taking her time and enjoying him. Like this, she felt in control, but also he too could feel the same, as if they were equal. The two of them could continue that way as long as he was able, but Elann also wanted the evening to be about him, so she would voice the question to him for what he would want to do to her, if there was anything else on his mind. Whether or not they continued was up to him, but if he was too tired or worn, she would not give up there. Elann wanted to please him and whether after another further wild throe in the sheets or not, she would seek to give him a body massage. She was going to coax him into a realm of relaxation she had never brought him to, detailing each muscle that in their bond felt like it relaxed him, and steered away from anything that would harm him. Using her bond with eyes closed and atop of him, she would use the bond like a roadmap to his body. Later that night, when Jocelyn would come home, Elann would still be awake and would wait long after she likely went to bed and then would go take another bath, this time, just a short one to clean after their lovemaking. If he had somehow remained awake and wished to join her, he could, however she would get sleep and wake before breakfast as normal. In usual fashion, she sat up, rubbing her eyes at the light of the rising sun coming into the room (whether or not it was direct or just global light). There she would linger for a long moment, smelling the air and listening to see if she could smell breakfast cooking or hear someone in the kitchen. Her frame was still in the nude and long since had her turban been cast aside, revealing beautiful nearly black curly brown hair. She looked sleepily over for Noah and where he was.