[h3][color=c4df9b]Selena the Bayleaf[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Town Square][/b] [@Ninian] [@Light Lord] Selena followed Devon out to Town Square, she'd spent more time there that day than she had in the past month she supposed. She looked around a bit, not seeing any sign of Mr. Brick nearby. Then she spotted him, or at least she thinks it was him, passing just out of sight near the Juice Bar. She was about to say something when she heard Devon's grumbling. She turned to see him look like he was about to be sick, but instead of Vomit came Water, a Water Gun Attack to be specific. It headed right for the blue Kirlia with them. [color=c4df9b]"Uh oh..."[/color] She said, turning her head not wanting to watch. [h3][color=39b54a]Breeze the Shaymin[/color] and [color=fff200]Fuse the Luxio[/color][/h3][b][Folio Trunk - Town Path F7][/b] [@Ninian] [@Light Lord] [@Lucius Cypher] [@Empour] Fuse listened to Gren continue to stubbornly persist that they go as deep as they can. [i][color=fff200]"This kid... he's got no clue how serious we're being right now... if he makes one wrong step down in the roots he could find himself in a world of hurt, or worse... We aren't being cowardly, we're being smart, there's more to this line of work than he thinks..."[/color][/i] Fuse thought to himself. Letho spoke up again, insisting that it would be safe. [color=fff200]"I feel we should have talked this over with Glyph a bit more before we came down, at least then we would have had a concrete plan... and if Xicu is as bad as they say... I don't even know anymore... I'm not leaving until the jobs done, but there has to be a limit."[/color] He said in reply. When he offered to go scout ahead alone, Breeze shook her head. [color=39b54a]"Not alone, you won't. I'll go with you if you do. My name may be Breeze, but that doesn't mean I'm a push over."[/color] She said confidently. Fuse shook his head, everything about this mission reeked of disaster. Letho whispered the last bit to him, and he couldn't help but agree. [color=fff200]"You've got that right, I was just thinking that. That's the deal with kids his age, they really don't understand the dangers down that deep. The last thing I want is to have to go to his "Mom" and tell him... well... you get the message. It's up to you."[/color] He replied quietly. When Karaha mentioned the Pokemon ahead, Fuse looked forward to the stairs, and sure enough there was someone... another Aron? Wait... Fuse swore he recognized that Aron from somewhere... [color=fff200]"I think that Aron is from Folio... I can't place the name though..."[/color] Breeze floated up next to him. [color=39b54a]"Well, what do you think he, or she, is doing down here? And whoever they are, they look scared..."[/color] She replied.