Frisk smiled up at him. She couldn't recall the last time Sans appeared so well rested. He had his better nights, sure, but she could have sworn he looked so much healthier. A massive weight had been lifted from her shoulders, a weight she hadn't known even existed. Apparently, she stressed about Sans and his health far more than she realized. "Nah, nothing happened. You weren't out for too long. But you might want to reassure Papyrus when he gets up." And that's when it dawned on her. How early was it? She sat up a bit, loosening her grip on Sans as she peered up at the taller skeleton's bedroom. The door was still closed. For once, her and Sans were up before Paps! She didn't want to imagine just [i]how[/i] early it was, but she wasn't going to waste such a perfect accomplishment! Frisk gave Sans one more beaming smile before she completely pulled away from him. "I have an idea!" She stood, straightened her clothes a bit with the note to change out of her pajamas soon, and turned to head into the kitchen. She didn't say anything else, though the brisk way she walked gave off her excitement and happiness. Despite her several years in that timeline helping Papyrus cook, Frisk hadn't made anything herself in a long while. Papyrus normally beat her to the punch when it came to making meals, which she didn't complain about at all. But it was time that she do the cooking, especially after all the turmoil and tears the small family had gone through the last few days. The skeleton brothers definitely deserved it. Pancakes were simple enough for her to remember, along with bacon and hashbrowns. She moved pots and pans around she she went about cooking breakfast, trying to keep their heavy clanks quiet so as not to disturb Papyrus if he was still sleeping. It wasn't long before she had the food ready and served on the table. She was no master chef like the Great Papyrus, but she certainly made a good meal.