[hider=John Wolf] [center][img]http://brotherwolfband.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wolf-in-a-suit.png[/img] [color=black]Name:[/color] John Wolf [color=black]Gender:[/color] Male [color=black]Furry Species:[/color] Black Wolf [color=black]Height:[/color] 6'3" [color=black]Weight:[/color] 230lbs [color=black]Personality:[/color] He is a very cautious individual considering his background within "The Pack". Only revealing what is necessary and when it is necessary if at all. He is calm in demeanor but with a stern voice, hardened by his rather tough life. He also has a set of rules when given a job. [list]1: No Names 2: Payment 50/50 (Half up front, other half once complete) 3: Last known location and target's most recent picture 4: After deal is made any and all evidence of deal is disposed of.[/list] Breaking these rules result in a termination of the job on site, no matter how far into the job he is. Besides this however, he is a rather polite gentlewolf, greeting and dismissing people politely and using "sir" or "ma'am" when applicable and has a soft spot for women and pups. He shows no discrimination to any species but rather an equal hatred for all, including his own. When in simple conversation, his smooth, stern and deep voice is fairly alluring to women as well as his mannerisms, graceful yet with rigid undertones like that of a veteran solider. [color=black]Biography:[/color] He doesn't talk about his past much but what is known about him is he ran with a very prominent organized crime ring of Canines known as [I]"The Pack"[/I] as their "Lone Wolf", the main gunmen of The Pack. He started with odd jobs, light racketeering work such as boosting stolen items or roughing up those who owed "security" payments but slowly he grew to [I]dirtier[/I] jobs like disposing of bodies or taking out small time competitors in the underground drug war. After about 7 years of those jobs, he was offered a position as a pack leader but turned it down after a year into it and instead walked the path of a lone wolf, one who was used for assassination missions. He became very proficient in his occupation, leaving almost no evidence of his presence. Whatever he did leave was so infinitesimal that investigators or other gangs had practically no lead to go off of. Overall he is a very dangerous and secretive individual but has been seen entering and leaving "The Hole". No one knows how he managed to leave the group but anyone who wishes to use their services must leave their picture with the bar tender of the place. He will find you. [color=black]Inventory (Insert your Equipment here too):[/color] [list][hider= Cujo and Old Yeller] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3c/45/0a/3c450a630c1f1e93b0c7b1b04acf3abb.jpg[/img] 2x Colt 1911 Mods (Compensater, extended Mag, laser and silencer) [hider=symbols on handle] [img]http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjkwWDc2OA==/z/BdwAAOSwv0tVdyhY/$_35.JPG[/img] [/hider] Etched into the slides of the pistols are the words "Woof Woof" and "Grrr"[/hider] [hider=Big Bad Wolf] [hider][img]http://i.ytimg.com/vi/qym8ZqoYHbc/maxresdefault.jpg[/img][/hider] This is a step down from a 50cal yet carries a similar punch it does. He typically uses this with a scope that has thermal, infrared (IR laser included. This is a laser only seen through the IR scope) and night vision. Bipod, silencer and IR laser attachment. It has been modified to be easily taken apart with 3 moves and is on the lighter side.[/hider] [hider=Hiss] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/474x/27/37/04/273704dc569605d4e10389666990a38c.jpg[/img] Silenced submachine gun with foreward grip and collapsible stock.[/hider] [hider=Wolfsbane] [img]http://images.knifecenter.com/thumb/1500x1500/knifecenter/microtech/images/MT1057nw.jpg[/img] [/hider] Gas mask Tear Gas Rope Chemicals C4 Smoke Bombs Flash Grenades Lockpicking kit ALL EQUIPMENT IS SITUATIONAL PER JOB [/list] [color=black]Other:[/color] Proficient in hand to hand, marksmanship, explosives and infiltration As a Contractor of "The Hole" He also has a handler of sorts. One he calls "Boss". He holds onto most of the equipment he has as well as gives him the clienteles job request and picture. Even with Him he requests his rules be followed. Though, he is slightly laxed on them for him. [color=black]Theme songs:[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHRyMcH6WMM]You need a job done?[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34jC1fmeFD0]Hey Boss, here's what I need.[/url] [/center][/hider]