"Suit yourself, you idiots!" Taro exclaimed, as he rose his bat up in the air. Simultaneously, all of his lackeys charged into action. He had no intentions of a fair fight for anyone, just as long as the job got done. Too many came at once, as several people came swinging at Ally with bats and knives. "So, you think you're tough, huh!?" One yelled out as he attacked. There were too many for Ally to stop at once, as a man swung his steel baton over Kiro's head. Kiro quickly moved into a high block, as his forearm took all of the damage. He winced, taking a step back, as while he had prevented a very fatal injury, it was still something heavy to take no matter where you were hit. Kiro ignored the pain in his left arm, as the man came swinging back for another try. Kiro used the move Shin taught him, as he hit away the hand with his own before bringing the back of his loose palm straight up to the attacker's chin. The thug flinched, as the swift hand came towards him, but smirked once he assumed he had narrowly dodged the attack. "Ha, you missed, kid!" He laughed, as he charged for another attack. He froze just before his baton could hit Kiro, as his legs started to wobble. "What the-!? What the heck did you do to me!?" He frantically demanded an answer, as he suddenly collapsed to the ground, his baton rolling off on the ground. Kiro sighed in relief, as he whispered a silent thank you to his karate master, Shin. The ability to be able to take out an opponent with a single hand was a very useful, and sometimes crucial thing to learn. "Forget them, guys! If we take out Shaz, then Zangief might let us take over his position!" One reasoned, as three people went in to attack the wounded man at once while his two allies were distracted. Kiro quickly jumped in front of Shaz, as took all three attacks at once. He took a hard punch, and two bats at either side of his ribs. He grunted, as the pain of the bats were beyond measurable for Kiro. The man felt the taste of blood in mouth, as he started to lose his form. He quickly regained his position, as he stood strong to face the bullies. "I won't let you lay a finger on him while he's out!" He angrily exclaimed, sticking by his principles and morals. "W-What's this dude made out of!?" One attacker stuttered. "How can someone stand after being hit like that!? I didn't even hold back!" Another one questioned, as he took a step back. "Look, his crazy karate girlfriend, too!" The third exclaimed, as he pointed over to the other fight going on. Niijima chuckled. "That's right, you big oafs! These guys are stronger than you could ever imagine! This guy?" He pointed over to Kiro. "Jiu Jitsu, karate, he even knows some weird Chinese stuff you ain't even heard of!" Niijima bragged to villains, as he continued to laugh, as if they had already won the battle. "He's bluffing, guys!" One of Kiro's three attackers assured the other two, as he raised his bat high in the air for another swing. Kiro took him out in two swift punches this time, as the bully's swing was fairly slow in comparison to any of his masters' own fists. His breathing became rapid, as he turned to face the other two. Kiro suddenly collapsed to his knees, as he completely let down his guard. His body ached, as it pleaded for him to rest.