Hey guys! Alright, I get it, that's a lot to read and a lot of history to be brushed up on for an interest check, so let me just break down what you guys need to know in accordance if you want to be involved or not. Basically, we are starting at a point where Charles Xavier is starting up his school. Now obviously, given the time period, this is an AU and not exactly following the movies and/or comics. This is a period where the influence of the second world war is taking a heavy toll on everyone in nearly every corner of the world so this is a great time to expand your character selection by bringing in foreigners, religious buffs, all-Americano's and so on and see just how well these new students get along with one another with the only (seeming) common denominator being that they are mutant and don't quite understand what is going on with them. We will have the three teachers to start out with: Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr and Logan Howlette. These three teachers, though widely different, will all be working together (in the start) to try and help the mutants come to terms with their abilities and who they are as young-adults. Though, as things go, it won't be that simple. For this roleplay, I see the school eventually breaking up into three different factions. We all know Charles and Erik's outlook on mutants, though I would expect a few select students to take the Logan road... but still, the choice will be up to you in how you will want your character to align. Pro mutant? Everyone lives in peace? Who gives a flying fuck (<--- lol)? Anyway, long story short, if you have any interest or any questions, please let me know here. I also have two very lovely co-GM's that will be helping this roleplay along with different plot elements to keep the story going. So pick your student, canon or not, give them a twist (no gender bending please) and lets see what we can do!