[hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Arizonia-Regular.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][hr] Oh you poor poor people, it seems people are not reading what is being put forth or just jumping the gun, so let's put it out there that that is going to stop. You see, in posts where things happen they have been rolled for and discussed. What happens and such is determined by LLA. Examples recently of being able to knock out characters, hog tie them, gag them and so forth. You see, those ideas came to Rpers and were presented to the GMs. Gm's rolled for them. So, when people say they wake up before LLA deems them to, that they talk while gagged and so forth.... It is not only is a breach of this Rp's protocol but it ticks off your Gm's. ALso, in a scene you cannot go from outside of a building, to inside, to finding people in the back of a building, to being at the top of the building. Posts are not usually meant to last that long and make people have to play catch up. Not only that but to have an NPC that the GM put into play suddenly do something an RPer thinks is okay - Like handing off a gun to someone who just waltzed into the scene - It doesn't sit right. So... We are going to handle all that and post haste. Some parts of previous posts will be deemed either "It didn't happen" or it was "A dream" - Any further breaches will be met with additional LLA rolls. So remember, if you want your character to be able to do something - You have to run it by the Gm for a roll to be made. If the NPC hasn't been cleared for you to control, you don't. Got it? Good. Now, read carefully folks because LLA has made some rolls for these scenes to ensure that things get back on track and we are doing a small time jump to bring the characters that were leading off the Walkers back within the Walls. [hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Clock%20Tower&name=Arizonia-Regular.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][hr] Guy knew he had fucked up, it had been a long day and with all the new people coming in and people dying he wasn't sure what was going on. He had made the big mistake just assuming everything was calm, it was anything but. He gave a quick nod to Ash as he was berated and once finished tore back up to the tower and yanked the gun out of the woman's hand, glaring at her. "How dare you come up here to take over without having an order from our Boss. Get your fucking ass out of this tower right now and you go report to Ash, the man in charge before you do one more fucking thing. I see one hair out of place on your head or hear of one misstep and I will put a bullet through your skull faster than you can say Jackie Robinson," he barked as he shoved her out of the way. Taking his post position back he sat down and kept an eye out for any more problems. He was not going to leave his post again or even answer to anyone else unless it was Ash directly, he wasn't about to be kicked out of Newnan. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=82ca9d]Astrid Hansen[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/ec632b9a6168991899305073f6a2912e/tumblr_n2rzvjkNtC1tuelbso4_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Back Shower Room and Lounge Area of The Court House [/center][hr] Astrid perked a brow slightly as she took the knife from the woman who came in out of no where and shook her head a bit. [color=82ca9d]"I didn't ask you,"[/color] was all she said as the woman left and smirked a bit as she pocketed the knife. Looking back over at the "hostage" she sighed. She couldn't understand a thing the woman was mumbling about, she was gagged, had been since she hog tied her. She was glad she couldn't understand and hadn't been able to understand a single word that had dripped from her mouth period since she had hog tied and gagged her. Some people just didn't know when to shut up and needed a little bit of help. She was quickly beginning to understand just why the man known as Froggy had lost his temper. Standing up she hovered with her six foot built frame over the red head and crossed her arms over her chest. The medicine that Froggy had injected her with would be starting to wear off now and perhaps she needed to repeat herself a little bit. Taking a breath she just stood there in silence for a time and as she was going to start talking she heard the screaming from the what she could only assume was a man. They were in the back of the courthouse, away from the infirmary, and behind a thick closed door; making out what the man said was not going to happen, all she did know was that who ever was doing the yelling was not happy. Seemed there was a lot of that going around right now. Once the screaming stopped she nodded to herself, perhaps now she could speak. [color=82ca9d]"Listen, and to do that, you need to open your ears and close your lips. Until I hear otherwise, I am not undoing the restraints. Not with how badly you riled up the Doctor, not after you tried to bite the man. Sorry, but to me a doctor is more valuable than a wind bag. Now, I will remove the gag now but I swear to Odin, you keep mouthing off and I will shove the gag back in your mouth and sew it into place,"[/color] Astrid said as she stood there, her tone wasn't harsh; it was simple flat and matter of fact. Astrid wasn't one to loose her temper, she just got the job done; what ever that was. Right then, it was keeping this fireball from ticking anyone else off and getting herself killed in the process because right now it seemed tempers were running high and she wasn't about to get kicked out of a place behind walls because of some child. Reaching down Astrid finally untied the fabric from behind the girls head and unwound it several times until it could be removed from between Neisha's lips. She stood there, the fabric gripped tightly in one hand as she waited to see what happened. If the girl decided to cause more problems she would put the gag right back in place without a second thought. She didn't want to keep her bound right then but she wasn't about to undo the restraints. They were going to stay in place until either the guy from the Wall, that country bitch that had run off, or the doctor told her she could. As far as she had seen since their arrival, those three were the only true people in any position of authority. Rule one of being in someone else's house was to respect the house. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f6989d]Zoie Crawford[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/19b8c8d4bf2ca7b8d123be15211f8f2c/tumblr_mfvbfj73gx1s23jjfo1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Back Of James' Truck --> At the Scene Of The Bitch Fest [/center][hr] It was wash, rinse and repeat until the Walkers were headed towards Peachtree City, Zoie kept up her usual antics until everything was good and they were on the long way back around to Newnan. Flopping down in the bed of the truck and letting out a breath of relief, the job was done and the people of her new home were as safe as they could be for the evening. It made Zoie feel good to know she had played a small hand in that. On the way back the vocal country girl kept quiet though, thinking on what to do next. In the end she decided she would take the job. At least it would give her some direction other than just roaming anymore and it made her feel better to know that Froggy would be behind walls doing what he was trained to do. Zoie looked up at the top of the wall as Jim took note that the three had returned. It was growing dark and she was glad they had made it back before the sun went down fully. A couple of bangs on the top of the truck to signal for James to go ahead and pull in. Once the truck with the trio was inside Jim closed the gate and had a couple of Newnan folk lock it up tight. Turning she looked up at Jim and gave a thumbs up. [color=f6989d]"No one be in our out without Bosses okay now,"[/color] she yelled up to the tower and got a thumbs up in return. Newnan was closed for the night. She waited for Mr. James to park the truck near the armory and hopped out, giving Byrn a little bit of a smile as she helped get the motorcycle out of the bed of the truck. [color=f6989d]"Thanks much for yer help, mighty kind of ya. Why's not grabs some food and such,"[/color] she said as she pointed over towards the courthouse where Ms. Sally was still helping people. That was until the bellowing happened and Zoie froze and listened. [color=f6989d]"Oh someone done pissed in bosses Cheerio's,"[/color] she said under her breath before gathering her bag and walking over towards Ash. She needed to report in with what had happened, was about time some good news came to the place from what she had seen and heard. [color=f6989d]"Boss, wesa take care of. Them Eaters well on their way to Eden and be giving those fuckers a right hard time for a while I's suspect,"[/color] she said happily. She wasn't about to ask what all the yelling was about, she figured out enough from what was said. [color=f6989d]"Oh and Boss, I been thinking. Gonna take that Mexican's advice. This place be home, I take you up on that job offer. That is if ya still think I can do the job,"[/color] she added before glancing around a bit. [color=f6989d]"Looks like ya could use a drink boss. Mind if I put me stuff up and check on some things and then we grab somethin' to dull our mind fer a bit?"[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/a6be154b9012b29acedfe708bb265de6/tumblr_nxdftwcaMj1r2igv7o2_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] [url=http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/515-Longview-St-Carrollton-GA-30117/69946228_zpid/]515 Longview Street[/url], Carrollton, Ga [/center][hr] [color=a187be]"Squiahl meat?"[/color] Tatiana repeated, trying to figure out just what in the world a squiahl was. She took the meat and looked it over a bit, not exactly sure what to think about it. Granted right then any meat was welcome but she wasn't sure if it was safe. As if reading her mind he took a bite and she nodded gratefully. Taking a small bite of it she chewed a bit, trying to place the flavor but still couldn't. Well whatever a squiahl was, it didn't taste too bad. [color=a187be]"Spasibo... I mean thank you,"[/color] she said as she pulled out a chair at the kitchen table and had a seat. It wasn't such a bad meal; a can of peaches, some "squiahl" meat, and water. There were surely worse things to eat and anything was better than nothing. Sitting back she worried about Davi, she knew she needed to stay put and wait for a while at least. It was getting dark and she didn't want to end up getting lost or hurt and Davi show up at the house to find her not there. They had a plan if they got separated and she was following it. Granted, having a plan and carrying it out where two different things. It was hard to just sit and wait to see what happened, especially when you were barricaded up in a house with someone you had just run across at the same time your friend vanished. Sitting there she picked at the meat that was given to her and ate a peach little by little. It felt like that moment on a first date, that awkward silence had set in. Tatiana didn't mind silence usually but it was very uncomfortable right then and she was worried. She wanted to break the tension but she had never been the best at opening up about stuff. Maybe he would be better at it than her. Clearing her throat a bit she gave a thin lipped forced smile. [color=a187be]"Vhat you do before... this?"[/color] she asked waiving her hand about a bit. She wasn't exactly sure what to call all that had happened over the last three years. She had heard some call it the end of the world but for her it didn't feel like that. It was just another war to her, this time just against something new instead of another country. The wandering, the trying to survive, it was all too familiar to her. Going from place to place, always trying to find somewhere safe only to have to move again before you died. It was how she had grown up. A refugee then, a refugee now. Seemed somethings never changed in her mind.