[@Midnight Howl] [color=a187be]* Isadora Fey*[/color] Isadora blinked for a moment before turning bright red, [color=a187be]"Th-Thank you..."[/color] She stammered into her yogurt, too embarrassed to actually make eye contact with the other girl in front of her. [color=a187be]"You're... So very nice... It's been a long time since I've met someone so nice..."[/color] She admitted softly. Isadora's eyes soon followed Luna's gaze towards the barred windows, she hated those awful windows... Making her feel like a caged animal... It was intensely disturbing to her. [color=a187be]"I hope so."[/color] She said with a soft sigh. [color=a187be]".... Even if I have no one to return to on the outside."[/color] She said after a pause, almost darkly as she drove her spoon into her yogurt as she thought about her dear canine friends that she had lost. Even though she wasn't there for when they were put down, she still wasn't over the anger and despair of losing two of her only friends in this world. Her crimson eyes watered with tears as she started to remember them. It wasn't fair! They were only trying to help her, how could they have known that she would end up in this Godforsaken place? She sniffled softly and quickly wiped her eyes, not wanting to see her new found human friend seeing her cry, she was taught that she was not to cry in front of others. That it was a sign of weakness. The beatings she had gotten from her guardian reminded her that she still wasn't allowed to cry, even if he was no longer on this earth.