[centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ4LjM5OGYzOC5RMmh5YVhNZ1IzSmxaVzVpWlhKbi4w/death-star.regular.png[/img][/centre] [centre][hider=Chris Greenberg] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cmouw9BVMAQYH_b.jpg[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CkYEELWXEAEgP0B.jpg[/img] [/hider][/centre] Chris woke up after another failed attempt to get some sleep, the 3rd. First time it was that damn nightmare, the other two times he just couldn't sleep for more then 30 minutes. He looks at his wristwatch which was showing 11:30 AM and gets off the couch upset as he reached out to the right pocket of his black jeans, pulling out his pack of cigarettes and his lighter, taking a cigarette, lighting it up and putting them back in the pocket afterwards. After taking a smoke he heads to the desk, throws himself on the very comfy chair and starts looking through the drawers most of them having a lot of uninteresting stuff in them. He does however find a blank notebook and some pens. This gives him an idea as he takes out the notebook and a pen, putting them on the desk. After taking another smoke, Chris opens the notebook, grabs the pen and starts writing on the 1st page. [i]"Hi, my name is Chris, Chris Greenberg and this is my journal. The journal of a thief, the journal of someone that killed. The journal of someone that did a lot of bad things in his life and didn't regret them, but does that make me a bad person? Most would say yes, but i'm gonna leave that for you to decide, reader. Eleven days have passed since this outbreak started. I have no idea how it happened. Humans just started turning into the undead, just like in the movies and video games. This is probably the government's fault, i'm sure of it. My theory is that they were probably messing with some virus, or biological weapon and it got loose. And now we pay the price for their stupidity. I wonder if it's the same in the entire country. Me and my crew were pulling off a heist at a bank when everything happened. The cops were up our asses for a long time now and we had to get away before they would arrest us for good. The plan was to rob the bank, split the money and then together with the money we already had, all of it on offshore accounts we would dissapear into the world. My plan was to go to Russia. Why Russia you may ask? Because of three reasons. One...I was always fascinated by it and it's history, traditions and many other things including the vodka and the really beautiful women. Two...I was tired of the California sun and wanted some place colder. And three...Russia dosen't have an extradition treaty with the United States so if the americans ever find out that i'm there the russians will definetly not send me back home. My little brother Joe was supposed to come with me. I didn't want to get him involved but he insisted on helping me and I allowed him to replace my getaway driver, which was diagnosed with leucemia. Anyway the heist was going great up until the people in the bank started changing into undead and attacked my crew. The guys defended themselves with their firearms but it was no use. After my guys were killed I managed to take care of the rest of the undead and burned their bodies afterwards. Joe, who was outside in the truck survived too and we went on like this for the next six days. In the 6th day I decided that we should raid a Walmart store for supplies. Joe was constantly complaining that it was a bad idea but anyway, long story short, he was right, that place was stuffed with undead. We ran back to the truck and loaded in the supplies we managed to take but as we were ready to leave one of those freaks bursts out of some bushes and bites my little brother by the arm. Aware that he's gonna become one of them soon enough, Joe takes the shotgun that I gave him and sacrifices himself so that I may escape safe. I didn't wanna do it and kept begging him to come back. But in the end I stopped listening to my heart for a second and followed my brain as I drove away. Not long after that the shooting stopped. I don't know what happened to Joe. He either became food for the walkers or, seeing his objective complete, decided to shoot himself. The next five days I survived the best I could but my little brother's death took it's toll on me hard. Many sleepless nights, the same nightmare over and over again. This is my guilt at work here, and I am right to feel guilty. I took both of us to that Walmart, it's all my fault, I killed my little brother not the walkers. Today, on day 11 I found this group tucked inside a high school. I decided to join them. At least for the time being. It's not like I have anywhere else to go. I haven't talked to anyone else yet. But i'm very impressed by their leader Nikki. For someone who's probably not even 20 yet, she has a very firm grip on things."[/i] Chris stopped writing as he closed the notebook, pushing it away. As he took a smoke Chris heard in the speakers from the hallways that the kitchen will be reopened for dinner tonight and that sandwiches have been made for lunch. [color=1a7b30]"I could use something to eat. Maybe that and a shower is gonna help me rest a little easy."[/color] Said Chris as he got off from the chair, took a final smoke from the cigarette as he extinguished it in an ashtray and blew the smoke out through his nostrils, as he got out of his room, heading to the caffeteria. After walking in the caffeteria, Chris looked around impressed. This place looked by far the nicest out of the whole high school. And the food supplies were stacked up so nice and tight. After grabbing a sandwich and taking a bite from it, Chris took a peek in the kitchen and saw a woman there, a familiar face. It was nonother then Jenna Connor herself. Chris saw her on TV and in magazines. He stepped inside the kitchen as he took another bite of the sandwich. [color=1a7b30]"My compliments to the cook."[/color] He said smiling at her as he leaned in the doorway with his right elbow as she turned her gaze towards him. [color=1a7b30]"This is by far the best sandwich I had in quite some time."[/color] He said stopping to take another bite. [color=1a7b30]"You must be Jenna Connor. I saw you on TV and in magazines. My name is Chris. I just arrived this morning."[/color] He said as he put the sandwich on a table and got closer to her. She was bearing multiple bruises on her body, especially the hands and neck. Some were purple, some red, and a black eye. Sure they were covered with make-up but Chris was no inexperienced fool. He realised that she must be the one that was beaten and raped so he decided to approach her with caution. People in her state tend to be very edgy, distrustive and jumpy. Either way he felt a strange but genuine attraction for her. [@Wick]